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5 September 2014 / By / 27 Comments

anamorodan com

ana morodan com 2

anamorodan com 10

anamorodan com 3

anamorodan com 4

anamorodan com 8I am wearing a Vena Cava skirt, an I.D Sarrieri bra and an H&M blouse

Photos by Silvia Postolatiev



Ei iata! Ce sa vezi?! It`s Friday. And Autumn came. And Joan Rivers died. Which makes me a little nostalgic because she also contributed to my long journey towards not giving a shit. Which is an important factor from The Business of being Ana Morodan.


I am going to try to be more specific here and not start talking/writing for hours like we all know I do when I have a lot to say. And on the `not giving a shit` subject…oh well, it could be a lot to say about it because boy, it was a long journey getting here.

I crossed all the stages. I went from caring about everybody said about me or my actions, to caring about what just a number of people thought about me (this was also a bad strategy because they were people who were not even close to me), to caring only about what my fiance and friends thought about me, to then caring only about what my team thought about me and the list can go on, moving from my shrink to you guys, from thinking about what the people I admire think about me to what my assistant thinks about me and so on. And so on. And so on. For years and years.

Until one recent day, a year ago or so (yes, it took me a hell of a lot of time) when I realized that in all these equations I never for a second thought at what I thought about ME…Not for a single minute. Which I was soon to realize, in an almost tragical course of events, was the most reckless thing a human being can do.


Because I am a being a pragmatic cynical, sure it took me a lot of nerves and concentration until I learned what self-caring actually means and sure I realized that not giving a shit on what everybody says about me can also be pretty unconstructive. It was an inner journey and battle sometimes, but in the end I realized that the Not Giving a Shit attitude is built from exactly giving a shit on what YOU think about yourself.


As for the rest of the world and they thoughts about me, my actions and my lifestyle…it was a time when I cared. And that period remained in my personal history under the chapter In Loving Memory of when I Gave a Shit.


And Goodbye Joan, you had your part of contribution to my freedom and you will be remembered. Her last words for her daughter Melissa are as funny and inspiring as she many times was. 



Do as Ana does and you'll be as confident as she is


Ana Morodan



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  1. ana says:

    not giving a shit is one of the harderst things we have to do in order to have a balanced and serene life.

  2. Love for Fashion says:

    pfiu, great introspection today. we all need that every once in a while. and we all should learn a litte from others and you are a very good example today.

  3. Corina says:

    wow, o tinuta superba pentru o zi superba la mare. o toamna frumoasa, Ana. stiu cat o iubesti!

  4. glamourama says:

    RYP Joan Rivers!

  5. Stana Dumitrache says:

    Ana draga, usor de spus si greu de facut ce ne povestesti astazi. foarte foarte greu de facut!

  6. lyla says:

    pozele sunt superbe! foarte pozitive

  7. Hermina says:

    incepe sa-mi placa din ce in ce mai tare aceasta rubrica noua 🙂

  8. Laura V. says:

    draga Ana, calatoriile lungi sunt cele mai frumoase cand ajung la final. asa e ca te simti altfel de cand ai realizat ca TU esti cea mai importanta, si nu cei 100 de oameni din jurul tau care n-ar ridica un deget pentru tine? mult noroc mai departe!

  9. Dona Maria says:

    i read today’s post twice because i need to learn how to do what you did. i find it so hard and i know i must do it!

  10. Margaret says:

    I love the seaside in autumn! Today is the perfect day at the beach!

  11. alexandra ioana says:

    Joan Rivers, o mare actrita…pacat…

  12. Gatsby says:

    not giving a shit made the greatest people who they were. hard and sometimes painful, but f***ing useful when it comes to your nerves!

  13. silvia popescu says:

    great topic today! good for you!

  14. lady x says:

    now is a new year’s resolution that mustn’t wait until new year! good advice, ana!

  15. Camelia Stan says:

    am admirat-o mult pe Joan Rivers. era un adevarat personaj!

  16. ruxandra stanescu says:

    fix asa arata ziua mea de azi! i love it!

  17. rosa m says:

    the next club should be a “how to stop giving a shit” club. hundreds will come!

  18. diana says:

    fusta este absolut superba!

  19. mireille says:

    ador fotografiile cu spatele, cu vantul care contureaza atat de frumos silueta

  20. delya says:

    love the seaside! i wish for eternal summer 🙂

  21. Aminia says:

    imi place mult costumul de baie! e foarte sexy

  22. kitty cat says:

    you look so misterious on that beach. very cool

  23. art lover says:

    love the BW photo. you should to that more often.

  24. mara says:


  25. ioana says:

    weekend frumos, Ana!

  26. Laura says:

    Imi place combinatia de nuante fine,calde,este foarte draguta si feminina !!

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