LooksLiving Art
20 June 2013 / By / 11 Comments

Ana will speak at Digital Divas


I am so gonna go mad today! I have tons of things to do and I also have to pack. Tomorrow I’m going on a super cool trip for a project that I love, so I have to think about what to put in my luggage veryyyyy carefully.

Yes, things to do, lists, my PA who I secretly think is starting to hate me, finding the right dresses, stuff like that, I have problems, ok? Problemssss! (#smile #irony)

At some point, during these last months I realized why I can focus and concentrate better at my work – the “revelation” is pretty simple – because I define success in a different way than most people do, I don’t see competition as Competition (the monster of “he/she’s better than me) and I always know that I have a path that was built only for me in this life. Like we all do!


HOW I SUCCEED –  this is my topic at the DIGITAL DIVAS Conference by AVON.


This topic has four more speakers



Being picked to speak along in the same group and on the same subject with this people whom I admire immensely, it’s an honor and also a recognition of the fact that what I do, I do it really well! (I hope so because I’m working my ass off every f***ing day)


I know that many of you already have your seat reserved for tomorrow morning so see you there, pisicutan!



Do as Ana does and you'll be as confident as she is



Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
21 May 2020
Ce-si genereaza omul cu organismul lui, COLAGEN bun se numeste
20 March 2020
Ce faci cu bagajele atunci cand nu ai chef sa le cari tu
4 December 2019


  1. classy girl says:

    soooooo stylish! love it!

  2. Crina Mateesu says:

    e dragut! esti o inspiratie pentru noi toate Ana! Si chiar asa e, fiecare are drumul sau, da da

  3. Harmony Love says:

    Hello Ana! you look so good, love your outfit! i would totally wear it, it is chic, fashionable, and yet so simple

  4. Nioleta L says:

    arati splendid, succes si inspiratie la conferinta 🙂

  5. Style For Today says:

    that is the way to think dear, you are so right, and you look perfect!

  6. Maria Ion says:

    ce culori frumoase porti! frumoasa tinuta

  7. Sarah Kinstate says:

    mmmm 🙂 delicious outfit today Ana! good luck!

  8. Emanuel I. says:

    Mi-ar fi placut sa fiu prezent si sa-ti ascult sfaturile…

  9. Irena says:

    Your success strategy is called the “Blue Ocean” strategy in business. Thought I should share it with you 😉 BTW , I’m officially addicted to your blog, so addicted that I’ve been reading it backwards for the past few days 😉

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