Beauty Culture
24 April 2013 / By / 16 Comments

Morning Face


This is my face, every morning, ok except when I am hungover and I don’t care how my face look like in the morning. I look like I’ve put my hands in the plug, don’t I?

I always loved my hair –  dense, healthy, natural colored black (I’m pretty proud of the fact that I never colored it) and now, long.

What I did not love about it and it’s always in my face, is my incapacity of doing anything when it comes to beauty procedures.

Until yesterday morning, when…I got an idea!



The bright idea


I have my magic kit from Remington in my bathroom! Hmmm, I mean, I know I’ve tried their hair straighteners and I loved them but getting handy with a hair dryer and two brushes sounded way too advanced for me. I have two left hands for Christ’s sake.

Ok, ok, I’m too stressed about my messy hair, I had to try it! Baby steps, I can do it, I can do itttttt!


Magic in the making

 .Photos by Serban Cristea



What? What did you expect? Of course I’m doing it with the power of my mind!

Don’t focus on the face, not a good face day, not a good face dayyy.


There are situations in life when you need to be smart and wise, think about  your choices well and act with care. And there are the situations when you just need to identify those products that can make your life much more easier and fun.

I call those products – daily confidence boosters and Remington  is one of my number ones. No joke, no advertorial, no fooling you, for real! I have two left hands, if I can manage to get my hair done with them they must be magical, I’m telling you!







Ana, the junior, magic, hair stylist

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. MissBodescu says:

    `mneata, esti o contesa chiar si nemachiata 🙂

  2. Sasha says:

    You are fabulous, darling!

  3. Gina Boca says:

    Te rog sa-mi spui de unde pot achizitiona colierul cu piatra verde, imi place tare mult. multumesc

  4. miruna says:

    you are so beautiful without make-up even 🙂

  5. glam and glam says:

    I love Remington, and it is magic!

  6. Andreea R says:

    hahaha! so funny! but i know your kit is magical, i tried Remington myself

  7. queen of style says:

    thank 4 the tip! love your hair

  8. Natasha Gozun says:

    adorable!!!!! i am crazy about Remington, you told us once about it and i tried it!

  9. Madalina Popescianu says:

    niceeee very nice solution to our problem! :*

  10. Zadin says:

    Mi se pare că nemachiată arăţi mai copilă. Ceea ce nu e rău.

    Folosesc atât placă de păr cât şi ondulator de la Remington şi fără ele, ar fi o varză de păr în capul meu.

  11. Georgiana says:

    Si eu folosesc Remington cand vreau sa-mi indrept parul care e ondulat natural.

  12. sasha says:

    Very cute, am folosit un styler Remington, saptamanal, pe toata perioada liceului. Il luase mama de la Londra,pe fuga, fara vreun motiv anume si brusc a devenit indispensabil. Cand dupa 4 ani m-am tuns si au reaparut buclele toata lumea era uimita. Tu…curly …woah…

    Confirm, au produse foarte bune. 🙂

  13. Silvia says:

    Imi pare rau sa spun, dar parul tau arata mult mai bine inainte de coafare:)))))))) asa cum te trezesti cu el… e superb!

  14. Dana says:

    I love your extraordinary taste and your imagination. It’s so great refreshing to read your blog, I am doing for years and am still excited as the first day.
    I wish I had more money and could afford me the amazing outfits.

    Excuse my bad English.
    I wish you much happiness and joy

    Greetings from Germany

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Thank you so much Dana! You made me smile 🙂 I’m so glad you love and read my blog!
      Lots of hugs,

      And don’t focus about the lack of money, style is not in the amount of clothes you have but in how you mix them 🙂

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