LooksLiving Art
22 April 2013 / By / 24 Comments

Sleeping flowers

Follow the yellow brick road

Candy Sundays

Simplicity is the best way to spend you Sunday

Ana de Morodan is enjoyng simple outfits

Nature has a way of showing us that everything should be beautiful around usShop this feminine Parlor dress on Molecule

Photos by Serban Cristea




The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, my favorite story when I was little. After my walk yesterday, after seeing the nature coming back to life, I felt somehow like in another magic realm. This winter was hectic and so, so long.

Each Spring I feel the need of letting go of my accessories and colors and keep it simple, it’s my way of appreciating all the flowers and blooming buds I see around me.

I found the perfect dress for my walk in the nature that I took yesterday – a Parlor diaphanous dress from Molecule F. Simple, feminine, delicate, just like a flower (#smile)



Noemi Revnic needs no introduction. She’s fantastic and everybody admires and loves her. She inspires trends, has an awesome chic sense and always sees the good side in everyone. Her blog Placerile lui Noe, is an awesome place that speaks about timeless elegance, about personalities which inspired her and about people she likes.

Seeing her latest article about me and my activities turned my morning into a bundle of joy. Thank you Noemi, you made my day!







From Oz, Ana


Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. sasha says:

    Lollipop ! 🙂
    Rochiile Parlor sunt intotdeauna deosebite. 🙂 Au un je ne sais quoi.

  2. Beatrice says:

    The dress is gorgeous and delightful spring colors.

  3. Monica says:

    great photos and you are perfect :*

  4. Gina Rodea says:

    You’ve made my day my darling <3

  5. Marta says:

    This outfit is so sexy! Love it!

  6. Luana says:

    aww you look so pretty! and i also love the photoshot, the place is beautiful and it looks so relaxing
    awesome.:* :*

  7. Cristina Panturu says:

    Culorile fotografiilor sunt atat de calde si placute la vedere,culoarea rochiei este un must-have al sezonului.
    felicitari pentru ceea ce faci 🙂

  8. Paula says:

    Adorable outfit!

  9. Lisa says:

    Perfect dress indeed… and you look absolutely gorgeous in it 🙂

  10. Alina says:

    Amazing as always!

  11. OanaM says:

    You’re look great !

  12. SilviaC says:

    Wow u look amazing love this outfit best wishes from Italy:*

  13. Lidia Costea says:

    yes, we do love that dress! you are so beautiful :*

  14. Iuliana Cristea says:

    J’adore the dress, perfect photos :*

  15. Corina Mandale says:

    Este combinatia perfecta intre magnolia inflorita si rochita, la fel de delicate, culori diafane.
    excelente fotografiile :* :*

  16. Michelle says:

    lollipop & beautiful dress and you ! the perfect combination :*

  17. Ilove Fashion says:

    u have the great outfits i ever see! :* i love your style 🙂

  18. Anaivilo says:

    You near that blooming tree in that amazing dress…a perfect image!!:D

  19. Georgiana says:

    Minunate poze!

  20. beatrice says:

    superbe fotografii..superba rochita..te astept si pe blogul meu :

  21. Mona says:

    Draga mea, arăți fantastic! Pozele sunt de vis! 🙂

  22. Cristina Soos says:

    You take my breath away …<3

  23. Ana Morodan says:

    Va multumesc dragele mele! Ma bucur ca v-a placut rochia Parlor 🙂

  24. Zadin says:

    Îmi place că găsiţi de fiecare dată nişte locaţii inedite pentru shootinguri, dar şi faptul că pozele sunt impecabile. Felicitări lui Şerban pentru că ştie de fiecare dată să pună modelul în valoare.

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