I am wearing a Clara Rotescu coat and an H&M bag
© Serban Cristea
I don’t know about you, but when you wake up at 6 am and have to get out, I for one, am still cold. Like this morning, when I woke up to go to Arad.
Waking early in the morning + cold weather = Mortal Kombat for me.
Here are some Saturday updates I’m writing while car crossing the country
- Spring is not that bad but it still does not have nothin’ on Autumn
- I’m starting to love this sorbet colors trend
- Adored the new Wes Anderson movie – The Grand Budapest Hotel
- It saddens me to see that year by year, our forests are getting more and more damaged
- I can’t wait for the lilac to bloom
- Serban still does not want us to own a cat – frankly I don’t have the time either but I would love a small one to cuddle and cuddle and cuddleeeee
- I loved what Gaia Repossi said, that women look their best when they are effortlessly dressed. Not a peak of wisdom but it’s what we tend to forget most of the times and it’s also so, so true.
- If you focus on the little things, like a sunset, your beautiful home, flowers, the simple pleasures in life, you’ll see that soon you’ll forget about all the negative things that you thought are haunting your life
- My favorite trend this S/S is the floral trend. And the croque lace also.
- Started re-reading the mid-war Romanian writers. I’m loving the romanticism and their way of speaking. Too bad that today is all about hipsterish vocabulary.
- Live and let die – the truest fucking saying that held the ribbons over my life in the past few weeks. I’ve finally understood it’s meaning a few days ago.
Oh darling, when will you be coming to Timisoara? Kisses,
Bianca from stylemeetsbeauty.blogspot.ro
tinuta este exact ce as purta ! esti superba, si plina de minunatii !
hey 🙂 loved the movie also, you gotta love a good story that takes you away, right?
cred ca pot sa inteleg 🙂 si mie incepe sa imi placa foarte mult trendul de culori sorbet, e o schimbare binevenita, iar look-ul tau este dovada vie! lovely!
stunning look!!!!
despre ce a spus gaia reposi, cred ca niciodata nu e spus indeajuns, ai atata dreptate, de fapt e important sa nu fortam pe noi o imagine care nu este a noastra, fiindca se vede. alt cliseu, “be yourself” 🙂 eu una ador cliseele astea, am o lista chiar pe perete 🙂
uuuuu that lovely lovely bag!
true style, that is what you are! ADORE!!!
uau paltonul este cu adevarat frumos, vreau!
sper sa ai pisica pana la urma :))) nici eu nu am timp prea mult, dar este un animal minunat si atat de usor de intretinut
exact asta am de gand sa fac astazi, sa ma bucur de micile lucruri mari! MUAH!
multumesc ana pentru optimismul si gratia ta inspirationale <3
what mid-war Romanian writers do you recommend Ana? i would really like to read something from that time, the history is fascinating
Yes! croque lace&floral prints are hot!
Ce ruj folosesti,draga Ana?
Adina, folosesc mereu acelasi ruj, Ruby Woo de la Mac Cosmetics 🙂
I must say, when I saw you in H&M Oradea the other day.. am simtit un fluture in stomac:)) strange
Roz folosit exact atat cat trebuie este mereu ce trebuie.