LooksLiving Art
22 March 2014 / By / 20 Comments


pink coatI am wearing a Clara Rotescu coat and an H&M bag

© Serban Cristea



I don’t know about you, but when you wake up at 6 am and have to get out, I for one, am still cold. Like this morning, when I woke up to go to Arad.

Waking early in the morning + cold weather = Mortal Kombat for me.


Here are some Saturday  updates I’m writing while car crossing  the country


  • Spring is not that bad but it still does not have nothin’ on Autumn
  • It saddens me to see that year by year, our forests are getting more and more damaged
  • I can’t wait for the lilac to bloom
  • Serban still does not want us to own a cat – frankly I don’t have the time either but I would love a small one to cuddle and cuddle and cuddleeeee
  • I loved what Gaia Repossi said, that women look their best when they are effortlessly dressed. Not a peak of wisdom but it’s what we tend to forget most of the times and it’s also so, so true.
  • If you focus on the little things, like a sunset, your beautiful home, flowers, the simple pleasures in life, you’ll see that soon you’ll forget about all the negative things that you thought are haunting your life
  • My favorite trend this S/S is the floral trend. And the croque lace also.
  • Started re-reading the mid-war Romanian writers. I’m loving the romanticism and their way of speaking. Too bad that today is all about hipsterish vocabulary.
  • Live and let die – the truest fucking saying that held the ribbons over my life in the past few weeks. I’ve finally understood it’s meaning a few days ago.







Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
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  1. bianca says:

    Oh darling, when will you be coming to Timisoara? Kisses,

    Bianca from

  2. silvia m says:

    tinuta este exact ce as purta ! esti superba, si plina de minunatii !

  3. Janice Is Chic says:

    hey 🙂 loved the movie also, you gotta love a good story that takes you away, right?

  4. Style Bomb says:


  5. Irina Voinea says:

    cred ca pot sa inteleg 🙂 si mie incepe sa imi placa foarte mult trendul de culori sorbet, e o schimbare binevenita, iar look-ul tau este dovada vie! lovely!

  6. Chicest Ladies Alive says:

    stunning look!!!!

  7. Delia says:

    despre ce a spus gaia reposi, cred ca niciodata nu e spus indeajuns, ai atata dreptate, de fapt e important sa nu fortam pe noi o imagine care nu este a noastra, fiindca se vede. alt cliseu, “be yourself” 🙂 eu una ador cliseele astea, am o lista chiar pe perete 🙂

  8. L. Edita says:

    uuuuu that lovely lovely bag!

  9. Passion for Fashion says:

    true style, that is what you are! ADORE!!!

  10. popescu ionescu suzana says:

    uau paltonul este cu adevarat frumos, vreau!

  11. Lucia says:

    sper sa ai pisica pana la urma :))) nici eu nu am timp prea mult, dar este un animal minunat si atat de usor de intretinut

  12. bea says:

    exact asta am de gand sa fac astazi, sa ma bucur de micile lucruri mari! MUAH!

  13. lili rusaneanu says:

    multumesc ana pentru optimismul si gratia ta inspirationale <3

  14. Fete Fine says:


  15. Janice Is Chic says:

    what mid-war Romanian writers do you recommend Ana? i would really like to read something from that time, the history is fascinating

  16. A Modern Girl says:

    Yes! croque lace&floral prints are hot!

  17. Adina says:

    Ce ruj folosesti,draga Ana?

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Adina, folosesc mereu acelasi ruj, Ruby Woo de la Mac Cosmetics 🙂

  18. Ioana says:

    I must say, when I saw you in H&M Oradea the other day.. am simtit un fluture in stomac:)) strange

  19. Roz folosit exact atat cat trebuie este mereu ce trebuie.

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