My Faith in Romania – Restored

LooksLiving Art
23 June 2015 / By / 24 Comments


I forgot my hair straightener at home so it would be best to ignore my hair today. It`s not even relevant. Ok, I admit, it`s relevant. An impeccable hairdo must be always relevant. Ohhh, when I remember the perfect moments I lived which were darkened only by the fact that my hair was a mess…

Ok, not today, not today, today I even look cute-ish. And today I`m sharing with you my Danube Delta adventure. It was such a peaceful and relaxing one for Serban and I. And look – I even wore color. A? I might not be such a color fan yes, I know it`s more commercial, yes, I know it draws more Likes on social media but I never cared about major feedback, I care about being Me and being appreciated by the people who love the same stuff  I do but this outfit is kinda cute. And yes, at 30  you want to look cute from time to time.

Now, here are my documented Danube moments. Shall we? Ignore the hair.


Ana Morodan 4

Ana morodan 2


Ana Morodan 7

Ana Morodan 10

Ana Morodan 13


Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan 6

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Ana Morodan 11

Ana Morodan 12


Ana morodan 3


Ana Morodan 5Simona Bejan dress – Bensimon sneakers – H&M earrings – Celine sunglasses from Optiblu

 © Serban Cristea



This place is magical indeed. And it`s another world. A world were silence is Queen and harmony is a Countess. What a beautiful part of nature and what lucky people we are to have it so near to our homes. My evening walks on the canals were moments I`ll carry with me forever.

These evening trips on the Danube`s canals made me grateful for another reason too. I`m grateful because they enforced me on my latest  revelation I must take care of the nature and protect it. I think many of us don`t realize that without nature we would not exist. And we have to stop being reckless towards it!


But now, let`s talk about the reason I`m proud – were we stayed. We chose  Doi Capitani, a place we had heard of and the feedback was extremely positive.

`Oh Ana, it`s the most serene and positive place in the Delta. You must go. Their services are so carefully thought, their place is absolutely harmonic and they silence and peace is all over.`

And we went. And you know what? It made me exhilarate. Yes. I was psyched and happy that we have such beautiful and carefully built tourism businesses in Romania. The place looks so fresh, so filled with good vibes, so elegant and carefully made that it makes you want to stay there for an indefinite time. And the food is made in heaven. I`m not exaggerating.

Here are all the info about Doi Capitani.  Check them out and if you happen to go, drop me a line, I`m sure we`ll be on the same page on this.


Visiting places like this and meeting these kind of business owners got me thinking that if you are attentive to your client`s needs, if you respect nature and strive to protect it, if you fight to keep a fair service for your customer despite the system which needs big improvements and if you become aware that you have to be the change you want to see in people, your whole reality changes. Your life changes. Your priorities change and suddenly you are Happy. This is what I learned from my stay at Doi Capitani.


Thank you Denisa for being such a kind and attentive host and congratulations for succeeding in building such a client orientated business. You have my admiration and respect.





P.S. I was a Speaker for Atelierele de Idei Unica last night. Thank you to all of you who told me you read this blog. Thank you for being so special and for being people who make me so proud to meet and who have such beautiful values. And thank you to all who listened to my speech. You filled me with such a positive vibe!




Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Mmmmm, hamac langa apa, piscina albastra ca cerul si canapele pe care sa lenevesti la amiaza. Simt cum imi fug gandurile la vacanta 😀

  2. jul1992 says:

    I really like your outfit! 😀
    These sneakers look very comfy, do you wear them without socks?

  3. Ivona says:

    Arata superb, chiar planuiam o vacanta in Delta. Abia astept sa vad aceasta splendoare live 🙂

  4. High Heels says:

    Amazing photos and scenery

  5. Ioana Irina says:

    Pensiunea Doi Capitani e raiul in raiul de pe Pamant, aka Delta Dunarii 🙂

  6. gabi says:

    E foarte important sa intelegem toti ca trebuie sa avem grija de natura si daca nu putem avea grija de toata, macar in imediata apropiere sa nu ne batem joc. Delta e un loc unic si special

  7. Ofelia says:

    You look great in color

  8. miriam says:

    pink bensimons, absolute love

  9. Ioana says:

    Ai fost splendida aseara, marturisesc ca sunt indragostita iremediabil de persoana Ana Morodan 🙂

  10. Eli says:

    Asta apreciez cel mai mult la oamenii care fac business din turism, ca au grija de natura si folosesc potentialul fara s-o distruga

  11. miruna ilie says:

    m-ai convins, plec in Delta :))

  12. Maxine says:

    Love the summer vibe your dress gives me 🙂

  13. alina says:

    ai fost magnifica aseara 🙂

  14. johanna says:

    amazing Ana

  15. cristina ds says:

    Delta e intr-adevar superba, oriunde ai sta. Pensiunea Doi Capitani e insa divina 🙂

  16. Doina says:

    Ce bine ar fi daca toata lumea ar gandi ca tine, ca trebuie sa pastram si sa mentinem, nu sa distrugem….

  17. kiki says:

    love the dress, and color suits you very well 🙂

  18. ANNA says:

    I wish the opportunity to visit this lovely place. Maybe soon 😉

  19. Oprea Ramona says:

    rochia ta este superba, iar cerceii minunati pentru tinutele de vara

  20. Claudia Pink says:

    awesomest Bensimons ever :))))

  21. Ioana Faur says:

    Draga Ana, am crescut foarte aproape de Delta si imi pare rau sa vad cum a fost incet incet distrusa.

    Din fericire insa, exista si oameni care pun pret pe natura si care nu fac afaceri doar de dragul de a le face. Le multumesc!

  22. Newt says:

    Iubesc Delta! Ar trebui investit mai mult, 95% din locuitorii celor 3 brate, mor de foame…

    P.S. Love your shoes! De unde ti i-ai luat?

  23. Andreea says:

    Foarte reusita sedinta foto. Te prinde foarte bine peisajul din Delta.

  24. Cristina Soos says:

    ohhhh nu am fost demult in delta 🙁
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress <3

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