Do you remember my first trip to Thailand?
Oh well, I`m going again. In a different part of Thailand and in a two week adventure. And YOU CAN COME WITH ME. Exactly. It`s insanely great and also insanely easy.
Along with Chinezu, Alinz, Tudoran and Igu we`re searching for another companion in this new adventure we`re preparing to embark on.
Yep, it`s that easy. You just have to go and:
- take a selfie with the Tuk Tuk from Baneasa Shopping City – ground floor – second aisle –
- upload it to your social media channels – Facebook or Instagram using the hashtags #BaneasaShoppingCity #1Selfie2Thailand #iShopiTravel
and we`ll do the rest.
You have until the 30 th of March. Hurry, hurry and go. I want one of my followers to come.
Can you imagine the places we`ll visit,, the stories will hear, the memories we`ll make? Oh, I can`t wait. Must think my travel attire carefully.
Go, go, go, you still have timeeee.
Chiar azi am facut :))
Love your photos ❤️
Superbe tinutele din pozele acestea
Thailanda e superba in orice anotimp, have fun!!!!
Ei, cu asa o companie sigur o sa fie fun 🙂
tocmai m-am intors din Thailanda dar as veni cu voi negresit 🙂 va recomand Ko Yao Yai, este o insula minunata
Love that pink dress, you look amazing
eu si prietenele mele am facut o poza de grup :)) ne-am gandit ca vom fi atat de simpatice incat n-o sa rezistati si o sa ne luati pe toate :)))))
Love these photos, Thailand looks amazing
asta da vacanta pe cinste 🙂
I hope I will be your mistery companion, fingers crosseddddddd
rochia alba e minunata
Distractie placuta in Thailanda!
trebuie neaparat sa ajung pana pe 30 🙂
Thank you very much for this post! It’s really interesting!
Fell in love with your blog! You did a great job!
p.s. new post – how I met Victoria Beckham
Diana Cloudlet
Baneasa are cele mai cool campanii! Azi mi-am pus in agenda: #selfie la mall 🙂
ce pofta mi-ai facut de vacanta exotica 🙂 am bifat Thailanda de doua ori si e minunata
sper sa castig si sa am sansa sa vad aceasta tara minunata alaturi de voi
Cele mai frumoase rochii pe cele mai frumoase plaje <3 fotografiile sunt minunate
LOVE LOVE LOVE THAILAND, It”s pure heaven, have fun there guys
eu abia astept sa vad selfie-urile voastre din Thailanda :)))) cred ca vor fi de neuitat
selfie in tuk tuk- bifat! tineti-mi pumnii 🙂
chiar ca e insanely easy sa ajungi in thailanda doar cu un selfie, si intr-o companie super cool 😉 sper ca voi fi eu cea aleasa