Hosting Events, Presenting The Smart House, Style Workshops, All in a Weeks Work

LooksLiving Art
30 April 2016 / By / 10 Comments

 I had a workshop, a conference where I had to speak, or an event to present and host every day for the past 11 days. Next up, I`ll be hosting the Huawei launch and co-hosting, along with Mazi, the Bourjois event. At first, I panicked a little because I always thought I needed a day to rest between my speaking events, but guess what? I`m starting to draw my energy from this kind of events.

I know you always want me to post content like this on the blog too, not only in social media, so I gathered some evidence to prove that you`ve been nerve wrecked for good reason. We also Live streamed from some of them. You can follow my Live adventures on the Morodan Facebook Page. 




Claudiu took this photo of me before entering the Molinard event by Beautik Haute Paarfumerie. I uber loved this outfit. So serene with a touch of black. And the Cathias Edeline boots were so on point! inima-albastru


Next: Antonia, Claudiu and me at the Lancome event  



It was raining cats and dogs on your way to the Glamour brunch




Third event of the day: the Glamour brunch




Forth event of the day: The SunglassCurator & ELLE Romania trunk show – these Dita sunglasses are mine, mine, mineeee inima-albastru




Fifth event of the day: Spoke with you, awesome ladies, at my second style workshop I did for Tezyo. See you next at Tezyo Timisoara inima-albastru




It was 9.30 pm when I finished my workshop and I attended my last engagement of the day. A private dinner. Andrei captured my sour bitch face. #haha I was tired as hell, but I enjoyed a glass of wine and some delicious delicatessen in the company of very inspiring humans. 


That was Wednesday. On Thursday, Tudy and I presented, in our special way, D-Link`s smart home system. On this occasion I`ve discovered that IT people are really cool. At least the D-Link team. After that it was all about meetings and project implementations until around 11.30 pm.




Friday morning we shoot a pictorial in a secret place, can`t wait to show it to you. After that Claudiu and I got in the car and went to Constanta for the TwentyFour event I hosted (coming with a special post soon). 




Now, when I think about last week I smile. I always make a fuss complaining that my life is crazy but in the end I absolutely adore it and I wouldn`t want it any other way. 


Thank you all for trusting me with your events, workshops, conferences and speaking modules. inima-albastru


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  1. Anamaria Adam says:

    Asta da saptamana! Cum rezisti la atatea evenimente, mai ales cand le prezinti tu?

  2. Ana Maria P. says:

    Ai fost minunata la Constanta, a fost o placere sa te ascult 🙂

  3. Victoria says:

    Cizmele albe sunt absolut superbe. De la Cathias Edeline ai spus ca sunt, daca nu ma insel?

  4. Zoe m. says:

    Am facut tot posibilul sa ajung la Tezyo sa te vad, dar nu am reusit 🙁 Mi-ar fi placut enorm…

  5. Arabella says:

    Hahahaha exact fata aia de #acritura o am si eu dupa o zi plina :))))

  6. Iunia Rusu says:

    Cand vii mai exact in Timisoara?

  7. MoroFan says:

    Now this is one hell of a week! I wish my life were as exciting as yours 🙂

  8. Ana Morodan says:

    la Parlor 🙂

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