Cover Girl for ALTFEL Magazine

Living Art
29 June 2016 / By / 7 Comments



Thank you the ALTFEL Magazine team for choosing me as their June cover girl and for their outstanding professionalism. 


Stefana Macovei thank you for talking with me and for your flattering words. inima-albastru










M.Marquise, Clara Rotescu, H&M dresses

Photos by Cristina Ivascu 


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  1. Geanina says:

    Woooo! Congrats! You look great

  2. Alina Rebreanu says:

    Cred ca doar oamenii intelepti inteleg ca e mult mai greu sa reusesti, cum ai spus si tu “solo riding”, decat cand ne ajutam intre noi. Keep spreading the wisdom, Countess :*

  3. Malina says:

    Love the way you talk <3

  4. MoroFan says:

    You look best on magazine covers 😉

  5. Serena says:

    Ti-am mai vazut capa aceea cu perle, e absolut geniala!

  6. Anamaria Oltean says:

    Suntem mandri de tine si sper sa te vedem pe cat mai multe coperte. Esti cel mai tare blogger roman!

  7. Bianca Negreanu says:

    Felicitari, Ana! La cat mai multe coperte

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