Beauty Culture
17 July 2012 / By / 3 Comments
AVON needs no introduction.

I love their AVON LIKES YOU campaign because it inspires us to be daring, sensual, powerful and sophisticated. To experiment with all the values of our femininity and act like true queens that we really are.

When they wrote me asking if I would like be a part of this project I was thrilled.


Because the values that are spoken of in their campaign are the same ones that we always talk about on High Street Cardigans.

So, now, I want to show you guys three women that I LIKE and have those qualities which AVON encourages you to find in yourself.

Diana TiciuLife coach & psychologist 

Diana is wearing a Stephan Pelger dress  available at Stephan Pelger showroom

Alex, you really are talented, thank you for bearing our stupidity!

 Mirela Bucovicean – owner Molecule F.com

 Mirela is wearing skirt/blouse/necklaces by Parlor – all available at Molecule F Showroom
Anca, you are my hero! Thank you for taking this picture!

Roxana Marcuowner Sunglass Curator.com


 Roxana is wearing Linda Farrow Luxe sunglasses available on Sunglass Curator.com
Serban, thank you for …this picture?!! ?No, Thank you for everything!

All these ladies are the living proof of the fact that strength and femininity can coexist in harmony in the same woman, even if some of you call them “viperess“. They develop great businesses, live the life of a rock star and make their dreams a reality.

You should be inspired cause at the end of the day history only remembers the ones of us who create real value. Dressing up all cool it’s a great adventure but the real shit is developing great life stories…maybe you can borrow a piece of clothing but you cannot borrow authentic personality!
And last but not least, I LIKE AVON


for having this initiative!

So, be inspired by AVON and focus on that! Trends come and go but being fashionable means living your life out loud!


Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Ioana says:

    :)) Foaret haioasa sedinta foto!

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