I’m sorry for not being able to attend your party, Viva Magazine. And a big thank you to everyone who offered to design a dress for me to wear at this event. I promise to wear them glamorously soon. I just have to s s sss ssss sss sneeze for a sec.
God, I haven’t been this ill since my kindergarten days. Yep, what you’re thinking right now is what S also said after seeing this video. I don’t look THAT ill. #haha
Ahhh, the things people do for a little fun.
wish I’d be this glamorous when ill :))
Giiiiirl, you’ve got some dance moves!
hahhaaha absolut genial!
Moro, esti nebuna :)))))))))
Best thing I’ve seen all week 😀
Ador faptul ca nu esti una din blogerii care au uitat de unde au pornit si se iau mult, mult, muuuuult prea in serios. Cei mai faini oameni stiu sa rada si de ei insisi 😉
Ar trebui sa pui un warning, am izbucnit in ras in plina sedinta!
Nu e nimeni ca voi!!! ?
Ce sexy esti in salopeta neagra, love it!
Petrecerea Viva a suferit o mare pierdere ?
Nu mai pooot, esti absolut dementa!!! Am murit de ras
Vai, mor. Mi-ai facut dimineata, Ana!!
Filmuletul asta e cea mai amuzanta chestie pe care am vazut-o in a really long time, mi-au dat lacrimile ??
m-ai lasat cracanata de ras :)))))))
Ar trebui sa faci un dance battle cu Maurice, ar fi super cool 😀
Oh my god. Best. Party. Ever!
#dying ???
Asa coregrafie, ceva absolut magnific, Ana!
You crazy people ???