Things You Learn With Age

Living Art
5 April 2016 / By / 17 Comments

Ana-Morodan-Pas-Du-Tout-1 (2)


Ana-Morodan-Pas-Du-Tout-1Pas du Tout blazer – Josephine headband

Photos by Emil Costrut 


More than 95 percent of the women I meet tell me that they notice the fact that I feel so extremely confident in my body. And that`s seductively magnetic.


But this is not entirely true. I don`t feel extremely confident with my body. Not all the time. I have doubts. I feel guilty sometimes too, especially for being a couch potato. I have my little frustrations. I don`t feel sensual all the time. 


I have big boobs. Mannnn, why do I always have to wear a bra and can`t wear open back dresses?
I don`t have a flat tummy, actually I look like I have a beer belly. Goodbye swimming suits pictures.
My butt is practically completely absent. 
My skin is not soft enough.
Gooooodddd, my noseeeeee.


These thoughts are my own. And lately I realized that I’ve lived with them all my life. Well, technically just for the past three years, ever since my boobs started to sag, my flat tummy ceased to exist and my butt…well, that was always missing, but I didn`t really notice :). I`ve just been ignoring them. 


My secret is to never let them bring me down. I think it`s human to have doubts. This is what society does to us. But I never, never, never doubt myself more than 30 minutes per month. Literally. It`s a rule. Self-pity is allowed for 30 minutes per month. The rest of the time I`m just grateful for the way I look and I have fun working with what I`ve got, so to speak. 


A few years ago I was terrified of growing old. Of hitting 30. It was a nightmare for me. Today I know that growing old brings along a special kind of balance and wisdom which you can`t achieve by any other means than through life experience. It also means acceptance. Of others too, but most importantly, of yourself. 


Today I know that doubting myself is just a tiny process in getting to know me better, in working with my thoughts better, in loving myself better. 


Today I know that keeping a positive vibe is more seductive than any body asset and that a great attitude is really magnetic. I also know that a confident attitude doesn’t come from having doubts but from learning how to process them and live with them. 


Today I know that tomorrow I`ll probably have more reasons to doubt myself – wrinkles and grey hairs for example – but the secret is literally to keep on smiling


Today I know that I`m perfect just the way I Am.

(chiar daca a fost nevoie sa-mi lipim sanii cu banda scotch pentru prima poza ca sa nu `dea pe afara`)



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  1. Gigi says:

    Sper din tot sufletul sa ajung si eu intr-o zi la nivelul tau de maturitate. Niste pace si impacare nu suna rau deloc.

  2. IceQueen says:

    You always have the most inspirational post and on another note….those boobs!!!

  3. Claudia Stanciulescu says:

    Esti absolut superba, e cumva recomfortant si incurajator cand cineva ca tine recunoaste ca si el are fricile si nesigurantele lui 🙂 Multumim pentru exemplul pozitiv!

  4. ROMINA says:

    loving everything about this post <3 you, your words, your strength, everything is beautiful

  5. georgeta says:

    Doar tu poti sa faci niste poze atat de dezbracata, ca sa spun asa, si sa fie in acelasi timp atat de rafinate 🙂

  6. fifi says:

    You are, indeed, perfect the way you are, Countess!!

  7. Miruna horon says:

    Te prind ceva superb pozele astea black&white, ar trebui sa le faci mai des

  8. lavinia says:

    Now THIS is what a modern Cruella looks like!

  9. Cristina S. says:

    no de asta te iubesc eu pe tine <3
    ps.superbe pozele <3

  10. Mmariana says:

    E normal sa avem cu totii anumite dubii si slabiciuni…

  11. Andreea Ponor says:

    Bravo Ana!

  12. Mina says:

    De obicei citesc bloguri pentru a gasi inspiratie in ale modei, dar la tine am gasit ceva mult mai mult <3

  13. Adriana says:

    Frumos spus. Te urmaresc de ceva vreme si imi placi din ce in ce mai mult pentru sinceritate, (auto)ironie, franchete si originalitate. dar mai ales pentru atitudinea down to earth, cu toata autoproclamarea de contesa virtuala. 🙂
    La tine totul pare sa vina firesc si nimic artificial nu pune vreo umbra pe prezenta-ti virtuala (pe cea reala nu o cunosc).
    Cu toate ca o parte a blogosferei romanesti incearca sa te imite si sa te copieze, tu ramii cea originala si de neegalat.
    Keep up the good work si continua sa fii inspiratie pentru toti cei care te urmaresc. 🙂

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Multumesc pentru cuvinte Adriana 🙂 Nu e auto proclamare, un prieten din liceu a inceput nebunia :))

  14. Anca says:

    Buna Ana! unde as putea gasi dresuri ca ale tale? sunt absolut superbe!

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