LooksLiving Art
25 February 2014 / By / 45 Comments



morodan the witch

beautiful morodan

our lady


the shadow

lady witch


morodan the wihite witch


witchI am wearing H&M earrings -available in stores starting with the 6th of March, The Black Eva boots form Ana Morodan @ Smiling Shoes. Andra Andreescu made this coat especially for this shooting so thank youuuu!

© Serban Cristea @ Cocor Shopping



You know me, always attracted by everything people did or lived like in the 19th century. I want to experience everything. And how one of their favorite pass time activities was astrology, numerology and other “mysterious” sciences, it was only natural for me to test one. So, armed to the teeth with curiosity, dressed like a petite mid century Cruella de Vil, last week I went to an astrologer and calculated my astrology map.


After a few small mixed situations –  my mother saying I was born at a certain hour, my grandmother saying that I was born at another hour, then my father saying that I was born on the 19th and my grandmother claiming  that I was born on the 18th after which the doctor accidentally wrote the 19 th on my birth certificate and so on. And further days of investigations, a few gin tonics plus some dark comedy situations, I have finally reached some truth.


Now, you probably want me to spare you of other details and get right to what my astrology map said.


Well, it said very accurate things about me, my character, my vision of life and my plans for the future.  The astrologer gave me five pages of interpretation so imagine the complex degree of  things she told me.


All in all, I am destined to lead a life full of adventures, I’m a special person in some aspects (I’ll extrapolate soon) but most of all, she told me that my destiny in this life is…nope, not to live in a Prada store, but to do a lot of good and help as many people as I can reach. Like a little white witch sort to say. Makes sense, how else can I explain the broomstick I keep as a decoration object in my foyer?


This was surely an experience I would never forget, I had fun, learned a few things and most of all understood yet again that life has its own complex methods of making itself mysterious.


And since I was a white witch and apparently still am, nowadays I can’t do magic but I still can fly on my broomstick. Just like an unforgettable petite comet.








The White Witch Anette

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
21 May 2020
Ce-si genereaza omul cu organismul lui, COLAGEN bun se numeste
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Ce faci cu bagajele atunci cand nu ai chef sa le cari tu
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  1. Anamaria1086 says:

    Cred ca asta este, fara doar si poate shootingul preferat si recunosc ca m-a cam luat ameteala in poza cu numarul 10.
    Nu stiu cati oameni o sa ajuti, dar astazi ai luminat ziua multora!

  2. Soos Cristina says:

    Up Up and awayyyyy
    pacat:( mi as fi dorit sa zbori pana la mine intr-o seara 😉 la un gin tonic 🙂
    So Fly Ana … Fly away :*:*

  3. Haha, f tari pozele, mai ales zborul 😉

  4. Valentina Ioana says:

    Lovely look and interesting pictures. For sure you are one sexy witch!:D

  5. Miha says:

    This is so you! Perfection from to toe… to broomstick 🙂

  6. Miha says:

    This is so you! Perfection from head to toe… to broomstick 🙂

  7. Zadin says:

    Serban is a very good photographer. 😀

  8. C.L. says:

    this is not trueeeeee :)))))) ah you are the best ana, the very best and i adore your blog more and more by the day! made may day darling!

  9. From Style Country says:

    perfect style, perfect make-up, lovely <3

  10. silvia m says:

    interesant, intotdeauna am fost curioasa despre vietile mele anterioare, si aspectul astrologic, love that stuff

  11. Fashion Forever says:

    lookin’ devinely witchy :*

  12. theresa says:

    <3 the earrings, and might i say, the very very cool white witch coat, i am mad about this shooting today!

  13. Anamaria maria ioana says:

    great story, very inspiring, m-a pus pe ganduri legat de scopul nostru in viata, cumva tot ce mi-a picat azi sub ochi era legat de asta dupa ce te-am citit, so i came back to say it 🙂

  14. Andre Ea says:

    uuu those earrings are taking you to the stars i see!

  15. Fusta Bunicii says:

    univesrsul tau este pur si simplu fascinatnt, si fiindca sa faci bine altora este ce te preocupa, pe mine ma ajuta sa te urmaresc ana, umorul tau intelept este savuros

  16. Ginger Girl says:

    your boots are a wonder they are magic!!!

  17. Anca Cojocea says:

    cel mai tare si mai chic blog everrrrrrrr, al tau bineinteles
    si nu ca ar fi ceva nou, dar esti foarte frumoasa <3

  18. Die Style says:

    lovely coat want one…

  19. joi pana joi vioi says:

    am fost socata un pic 🙂 dar de drag! foarte cool povestea ta de azi, iar cerceii si cizmele nu mai zic!

  20. CHRISTINE m.m. says:

    liking the make-up and the beautiful dress + cool life experience keep sharing!

  21. pop ileana says:

    as vrea si eu sa fac asta, imi poti recomanda astrologul te rog? sa imi pun cerceii de la h&m cu aceeasi ocazie 🙂

  22. Dolls&Candy says:

    i would have never thought of having a broom like that in my house, your lifestyle is at least interesting to me, and kind of addictive i guess <3

  23. La Famme says:

    the second picture is WOW WOW WOW !

  24. Kirra says:

    no way, your boots are way to perfect!! i am in love!

  25. popescu ionescu suzana says:

    zboara zboara cometa stilata :)))) ah mi-a placut la nebunie story-ul de astazi si mai ales look-ul tau atat de original

  26. Prada Like says:

    but that doesn’t mean you won’t wear Prada, right?! i loooove Prada

  27. bea says:

    what an adventure! like!

  28. bianca says:

    foarte misto postarea, iar tu stylish ca de obicei. Nu ma pot plictisi niciodata de acest blog. Pe cand un nou episod din Kitchen Victim? Pupici,

  29. Skirts says:

    sexy very chic, and what an effort to find out about your life written in the stars…sounds temtpting, very tempting…

  30. Viviana Fashionista says:

    you are just goergeous te admir din cap pana in picioare
    chiar si cand zbori hahaha 🙂

  31. Happy says:

    you make me wanna have courage and be original, cause there’s no one like you, that is a fact! looking great in this coat, and i love how the earrings are linked to to stars, if you know what i mean (jewelry-starrs-astrology). i guess i love your attention to details dear countess <3

  32. camelia silvia says:

    ador manecile uau


    i see a style icon being more and more inspiring here LOVE

  34. Zuza says:

    AMAZING !!!

  35. Janice Is Chic says:

    hello ana! cred ca este foarte important sa ne asumam destinulm, sa stim de unde venim, si unde mergem, asa ca mi-a placut ce am vazut 😉 plus ca you look amaze!

  36. Magda says:

    AMAZIIING!!!! te felicit pt blog!

  37. edith says:

    veryyyyyy niceeee!

  38. Lavis says:

    waw, ador shootingul asta!
    Trebuie sa-ti spun ca si eu sunt nascuta pe 19 august 😀 la fel ca si tine si ca si Coco Chanel 🙂 si ca si Bill Clinton 🙂 si ca si Obama 🙂 so, 19 e o zi buna as zice, stick on it!

  39. Mona says:

    Spectacular, my dear!!

  40. Helen says:

    WOW! You look amazing, I just love everything about this outfit and your hair is just too gorgeous

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time 🙂

    Fragile Bird |



  41. Alexandra Antonesei says:

    your boots are crazy, I love them!! Any pair for sale? Any link to them?? 😉

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Alexandra, the link is the the outfit credit section. Below the pictures, like always 🙂

  42. ediot says:

    what a fun post
    and stunning photos
    nice blog

  43. yeah! says:

    sex.. sex sex

  44. Ginngi says:

    INCREDIBLE! I am so happy I found your blog, it is amazing and so inspiring!

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