LooksLiving Art
24 February 2014 / By / 25 Comments

smiling ana


 I don’t know about you but my first thing to do in the morning is to decide what jewelry I would wear that day. And play with my cat, if I had one. This royal feline is Dixie, Lightaholic‘s cat. After days of saying pleaseeee she finally agreed to us taking her picture.

Lately however, my first thing in the morning is thinking of what I’ve dreamed last night…


detailed necklace

beautiful morning

dixie and some jewelry

dixie and ana


luxury gifts

detailed necklace

a simple morning with amazing jewelryI am wearing my favorite necklaces and bracelets from Luxury Gifts

© Serban Cristea @ La Maison

With the extraordinary participation of Dixie – Lightaholic‘s cat




As I said, lately I have some creepy dreams with zombies. A World War Z scenario where zombies enter our homes, attach us and so on. And these dreams are very realistic, I’m telling you. Now, you must understand, for a little scared chicken like me, that’s a pretty horrifying thing.

Well, having been dreaming about this for a while now, I started thinking about all kinds of situations. If zombies entered my home, what will I do first? Would I wake Serban up? Would I grab something to hit them? Nope, they will most surely be too many. Would I prepare a poison spray to keep under my bed? Would I rescue my jewelry and run? Would I… Wait, what? Did I actually think that?

As weird as it may sound, it’s already a fact around here that I have this hugeeeee tiny, tiny, tiniestttt  obsession with jewelry so it was only natural when facing an immense danger to think of saving my jewelry also. I can already picture the hilarious situation, me grabbing all my jewelry desperately and Serban grabbing me while I hold on to my precious possessions. #petiteidiot

Sure, this is a comic situation and if I had a child or a pet I would most surely rescue them without a doubt but while I am being a cartooned fashionista you must agree, jewels have to be rescued. Zombies would  not appreciate them, I’m sure.

Be it dreams or reality, it is a fact after all, us women get attached to all things sparkly and my new found love, Luxury Gifts jewelry are worth our deepest love. Above, you can see some of my first picks from their immense variety of jewelry.

I fell in love with this brand last Autumn, when I visited their huge showroom and saw tons of beautiful bracelets, necklaces and earrings stashed in one perfect place. #heart eyes emoji

Stay tuned for my adventures to come with the splendid Luxury Gifts! As for the zombies…let’s hope they will stay just what they are right now, a dreamy little horror story.






Jewelry Gifts lover Morodan

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Zuza says:

    whaaaaaa ce pisica frumoasaaaaa !!!! si ce Ana Morodan distinsa chiar si in camasa si atat! clasa, colierul chic, detaliile <3

  2. fiona hey says:

    love the pinky shirt very chic sensual!

  3. Game Of Style says:

    totally love the details, the place looks superb and so do you!

  4. Oh Diana says:

    we thank you little splendid caaat!!! we love you!

  5. Kira Ioana says:

    they look stunnig wow!
    sunt si eu o iubitoare de bijuterii, din familia mea de nebune am mostenit asta, so loved you dreamy zombies story, I FEEL YA

  6. Sunny Style says:

    <3 amour pour La Maison!

  7. Young&Chic says:

    beautiful just beautiful pictures! and what can be more temting than a beautiful woman wearing nothing but a shirt and a perfect necklace! LOVE DEAR!

  8. dana banana says:

    hello dixie and hello luxury gifts!!! #ifyouknowwhatimean #gotme

  9. popescu ionescu suzana says:

    vaaaiiiii adorabila kitty from lightaholic miauu

  10. 8 Dresses says:

    mmm delicious jewelry 🙂 must have the one in the 6th picture!!! you look beautiful love this place a lot!

  11. cristiana x says:

    intr-adevar superbe bijou-urile ana, bratarile ma tenteaza cel mai mult, i am a bracelet girl 🙂 si poza cu bratarile imi place foarte tare, de fapt toate sunt superbe

  12. Fufi Zana Moderna says:

    hahahaha ce am ras :))) eu sunt fac un misto de mine neincetat, asa ca umorul tau e foarte pe gustul meu. la fel si preferintele tale in materie de accesorii si decor. am remarca btw husele pt telefon and i liky like

  13. From Style Country says:

    looking gorgeous countess! just now tx to you i discovered lightaholic very nice! kiss dear have a wonderful week now :*

  14. Yasmina says:

    you are the coolest chicest countess of all <3

  15. Lucia Butnariu says:

    si din nou, Ana, ma uimesti 🙂 sunt cu adevarat frumoase, m-am uitat cu atentie la detalii, am studiat si dap, uite de aia iti urmaresc blogul, mereu aflu ceva care imi face viata mai frumoasa 🙂

  16. Cici says:

    wow ce loc de vis! supendous 🙂

  17. Hera Anastasia Ciuntea says:

    this time i can really say i fell in love with these pieces of jewelry,
    sunt divine, toate !

  18. L. Edita says:

    happy happy joy joy must take my picture in a shirt and a beautiful necklace like yours, and wait for my boyfriend for his birthday 🙂 tx for inspiring me everytime muah!

  19. Fete Fine says:

    vai dar ce pisicaaaaa am muriiiit (am 3 pisici, stiu, sunt nebuna) 🙂

  20. ana says:

    my name is ana & j’aime ana <3

  21. Chic&Chic says:

    what beautiful wallpaper, i should pay i visit to this place la maison since i am in bucharest, no? 😉

  22. rachel says:

    oh my dear god how cute is that picture with dixie hiding behind the pillows (very nice pillows by the wayyy)! oh uh i am thinking of printing it i just couldn’t take my eyes of it

  23. daniela mirela razea says:

    hey vreau doar sa spun ca ador nuanta rujului tau, ma inebuneste si m-am decis sa te intreb ce ruj foloseti? arata foarte frumos cu camasa roz pal si colierele, si cu orice de fapt!

    mersi frumos,

  24. C.L. says:

    your style is te best in the whole wide world <3 all my amiration

  25. Mona says:

    Ce feline frumoase! 🙂
    Minunate colierele!

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