As I told you a few days ago, I was invited to speak at the Digital Divas Conference powered by Avon.
I talked about how I succeeded in becoming a high awareness blogger and after that, together with Ovidiu, I talked about our
5 MINUTE Style Classes.
Although I have major experience when it comes to speaking in public and I don’t normally need a prompter or note, I considered it important this time to summarize a few power points that might come handy to those of you who want to pursue this activity.
To summarize it all up for those of you who weren’t present, these were among my pieces of advice
- have no fear for what other people might say about your actions
- respect
- strength
- develop a unique personality
- appreciate the people who inspire you professionally
- stay healthy
- work till you drop
- believe in yourself and your own powers
- pay attention to details
- select the way you wanna grow and work only for brands in which you believe
And most of all, when you have to think back at things, make sure that you did only those compromises that didn’t make you ashamed of how you grew up in the business. Don’t lie, don’t cheat your way up to the top because how you get there is more important than being there!
Congratulations Avon! You had an awesome initiative and thank you for inviting me to be among your speakers.
Te-am vazut si auzit Ana!
Mi s-a parut ca ai fost cea mai sincera dintre bloggeritele care au vorbit la conferinta. Mie mi=a placut si mi s-a parut de foarte mare bun simt ce ne-ai spus!
You gained me as a fan <3
Eu n-am ajuns la conferinta insa imi place ce ne-ai scris aici si sa stii ca mie mi se pare ca singura care atunci cand endorseaza un brand o face naturla si firesc esti tu.
Plus ca mi-a palcut outfit-ul maxim 🙂
I loved your outfit and you are so natural and super fresh <3
Dear, either way the only one who matter to really stylish people is you! Rest assured
Love it!You look great!
Buna Ana! Nici eu nu am fost acolo, dar cred cu tarie in ce ai scris mai sus, si te urmaresc mai ales pentru stiu ca si pentru tine chiar sunt guiding lines. Love the outfit, pantofii albastrii cu outfitul crem-white e special
Hello dear, arati minunat si mai si dreptate pe deasupra!
Nu am reusit sa ajung la conferinta dar cele 10 sfaturi ale tale imi sunt cu adevarat de folos. Cred ca cel mai important lucru este intr-adevar sa nu iti pese de ce spun altii despre tine. Restul vine de la sine.
Daca iti pasa doar de ceea ce vezi in oglinda cu siguranta iti vei dezvolta si o personalitate unica si puternica.
In rest , felicitari pentru tinuta. Am sa mai urmaresc blogul tau. Pare foarte interesant.