One Romanian Brand Which Deserves My Total Admiration

Living Art
22 February 2016 / By / 13 Comments


Warning: I don`t have my cat eye on. 7b




When Oana sent me an email last week I was psyched. Because it was about Salad Box – this Romanian (yeah) healthy food love brand everybody knows – and because I was going to meet the owners. A young team who developed a successful business by giving people a simple alternative to fast food. Not that I`m not a fast food lover also. You know that but Salad Box is always among my favorite picks from all the restaurants I see in the food courts. 


So I was going to be a Smoothie Operator in their new Bucharest location, strada Franceza. This new Salad Box location has a new branding and design, very modern and appealing, I would say. A  S-M-O-O-T-H-I-E Operator? I have to invent my own recipe and to make it?!?! Well, this is a new and fresh challenge. Let`s do it. I got some advice from Clau, my team member fascinated by all things smoothie doable, I replied to Oana`s email with a YES and I went. 


Well, first I felt a real motivation from their young team. And what Dan Isai said about believing in your idea and finding people who can turn from team members into family. Then, let me tell you that smoothie business is not an easy business. The quantity of each ingredient is important and there is a certain way and order in which you must mix them. Nu e chiar un maglavais aruncat asa impreuna intr-un blender cum ma gandeam eeu cu mintea mea de gaina. So I`ve learned a trick or two (so that you know, I`m buying a blender and once a week I`m planning to be a smooth Smoothie Operator at the office too #haha).





Even got compliments on my smoothie. From wonderful ladies. #Success





Left my Smoothie Operator job for a few minutes just to make my own salad assisted by Dan. Double Corn, rucola, sun flower seeds, pineapple, cheese and spicy olive oil. Just so you know. 6b





I went for a tomato look, because the cabbage outfit was taken. Do you think I succeeded? The hat, the color of the dress as Tulpina, a?




Dan Isai – CEO Salad Box – Sorin Bulai – The Salad Box strada Franceza investor –  Radu Lupas – COO Salad Box 


salad box



Thank you for the experience Salad Box. And thank you for inspiring me to perform better in my business journey. But most of all, thank you for showing me that eating healthy can be delicious and fun. inima-albastru


The Salad Box mantra





be-splendid-semnatura 1





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  1. Adina Elena says:

    Salad Box e super yum, eu am facut pasiune pentru cea cu vita 🙂

  2. sorina andrei says:

    Habar n-aveam ca e concept romanesc. Bravo lor, au facut super treaba!

  3. Valeria says:

    You look super cute ❤️

  4. Didi says:

    Smoothie Operator :)) I’m a huge fan, what was your recipe? I hope it had broccoli, I love it 😉

  5. lila says:

    vaaaaai ce rau imi pare ca n-am fost acolo, ar fi fost foarte tare sa mananc o salata by Ana Morodan

  6. Kitty says:

    Cat eye or no, you have a great smile ❤️

  7. Fashionista says:

    Awesome red hat, I have it in all the colors 😉

  8. Claudia Vintu says:

    E foarte bine ca avem o alternativa la fast/junk food. Nu fac un secret din faptul ca mananc din cand in cand fast food, dar mi-ar placea sa gasesc mai multe locuri de genul in food court-uri

  9. veronica07 says:

    love the motto

  10. Bianca says:

    Locatia din Strada Franceza e superba. Ma bucur toti timpul cand se mai deschid astfel de locuri. Simt ca suntem pe drumul cel bun

  11. lizzy says:

    awesome rings 😉

  12. Georgia Marcu says:

    Ador Salad Box, sunt foarte bune salatele si unlike muuuuulte alte locuri, chiar primesti din toate ingredientele si nu un munte de salata verde si ceva chestii presarate

  13. penelope says:

    smoothies are my love

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