Monday Memo: The Aristo Club

Living Art
30 May 2016 / By / 5 Comments
Here, here 

We’re starting a club people and the first step for an exclusive membership is here. Click the link above and yes, be certain that I already have a list of gifts I plan to send your way. inima-albastru 

And some cool surprises only for the club memberzzzz. 6b




Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. AnaBanana says:

    M-am inscris de cand ati lansat 🙂

  2. Veronica says:

    You’re so cute in this photo <3

  3. Vero says:

    Is it open internationally?

  4. MoroFan says:

    Daca sunt surprize de la Morodan shop, abia astept! 😀

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