Life Update Nr. 753892

LooksLiving Art
28 May 2016 / By / 15 Comments

 Clara Rotescu dress – Vintage Butter jacket – Louis Vuitton sunglasses 


Well, what a posy and cliche pic…You know I love cliches,  so I obviously I had to show it to you.  inima-albastru It’s from last weekend I spent at the seaside with S. 


And here’s another cliche I’ve read that day and related to:


The Greatest challenge in life is discovering who you are. The second greatest is being happy with what you find. 



Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
21 May 2020
Ce-si genereaza omul cu organismul lui, COLAGEN bun se numeste
20 March 2020
Ce faci cu bagajele atunci cand nu ai chef sa le cari tu
4 December 2019


  1. Antonia L says:

    Vaaaai, ce rochie! You always have the best ones

  2. felix says:

    gorgeous pic

  3. Bianca Magarusan says:

    Foarte bun citatul, chiar asa e 🙂

  4. Ioana says:

    Ce frumosi sunt trandafirii… si rochia, bineinteles

  5. Claudia Stanciulescu says:

    gorgeous lace <3

  6. Mermaid says:

    Of, ce ma chinui 🙁 asa un dor de mare mi se face cand iti vad postarile :((

  7. Clau says:

    niciodata nu m-au atras jachetele din jeans, dar a ta e chiar cool

  8. Oana Lapuste says:

    :OOOOO ce faine sunt brosele de pe jacheta, de unde le ai?

  9. Vivi says:

    I misssssss the sea 🙁

  10. Ioana Carmen says:

    Ce statiune sau loc ne recomanzi la mare la noi? Eu am fost de multe ori si am ramas dezamagita…

  11. Gigi says:

    Am observat in multe poze la tine in ultima vreme accentul negru de la gat, e un colier? Arata foarte interesant!

  12. Imi place rochia foarte tare, eu de fel sunt inebunita dupa dantela, mi-as pune si in cap… dar “ma pastrez” pentru ziua cea mare :))))

    Din Iasi cu dragoste

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