Did this Tweet just Change The World?

Living ArtLooks
27 September 2015 / By / 18 Comments





Samantha Power is the youngest person ever to fill the role of American ambassador to the U.N. She’s a Pulitzer Prize-winning author. She’s a former Harvard professor, a law-school grad, and a journalist. She’s a wife and mother.

And she’s also one of the most articulate, inspiring, no-BS women we’ve ever met.


That is what Refinery29 wrote about what would become a casual article read on the internet but which changed my Sunday afternoon mind focus forever. I was in a filming break for Redesign YourSelf by Baneasa Shopping City scrolling the internet on my phone when I read it and decided to talk to you about it.









IMG_3983Italian Independent sunglasses from Optiblu – Zarug blouse and culottes – Smiling Shoes heels – Malvensky bracelet – Cartier bracelet – Hermes Kelly bag

Photos by Silvia Postolatiev





In 2015 Samantha launched #FREEthe20 – a campaign meant to  highlight the plight of powerful women who are being silenced around the world and held as political prisoners.


 “Our goal in this campaign is to put a face to what remains a major problem around the world, which is that women are being silenced and girls are being silenced. They’re silenced because they’re not given a good education or they’re silenced because when they speak up in their societies, they’re judged or they’re called bossy — as Sheryl Sandberg has pointed out. Or in this much more dramatic case, and often a life-and-death case, they’re put in jail and they’re kept away from their families.”  Samantha Power


Please read the whole article and watch Samantha speak about what she accomplished Here


 I wonder what A Question thinks on this matter.



I did not choose to speak about this subject in a post in which I`m wearing the new Italian Independent sunglasses brand available at Optiblu just for the fun of it. I think us, women should pick a pair of sunglasses, wear them with our heads up and always believe and fight for equality. Like veritable 007 agents. 



Oh, and because Samantha is also a mother and because the two new members of my team, Mittens and Elena are mothers too, here`s one mommie site I think you would love – Stylish Mom








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  1. High Heels says:

    Great outfit and amazing woman

  2. maria says:

    superba povestea, chiar inspiring

  3. Cristina Stan says:

    Cred ca e nevoie sa aflam despre
    astfel de femei mai des, pe mine una ma motiveaza mult

  4. doris says:

    I wouldn’t fight for equality because I honestly feel we are better 😉

  5. Lioara says:

    E splendida aceasta bluza ❤️

  6. anca voiculescu says:

    girl power, baby!

  7. Liliana G. says:

    ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Kelly

  8. madalina t. says:

    superba, si multumesc pentru povestea Samanthei. O pastrez pentru duminica 😉

  9. felicia says:

    superba tinuta

  10. Ofelia says:

    Stiu povestea, e geniala! La fel si tinuta ta 🙂

  11. nathalie says:

    great story, all women should know about her and her projects

  12. Marina Ion says:

    minunat buchetul <3

  13. ivone says:

    ador aceasta bluza, e perfecta

  14. Diana Scutaru says:

    foarte inspiring povestea, mi-a prins bine s-o citesc 🙂

  15. Bianca says:

    congrats for the mommies 😉 can’t wait to meet them

  16. raluca_zen says:

    awesome women all around the world, unite 😉

  17. Mioara Pantea says:

    Excelenta tinuta, imi place mult

  18. koko says:

    absolute kelly love <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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