As the entire internet knows, last week at The Digital Divas Awards I won the most prestigious award of the Gala, The Digital Diva of the Year.
I also won the first place for Best Instagram Account and after the cool Maurice Munteanu and Doina, Best Fashion Blog.
.I am deeply grateful to all of you! Yes, you, the ones who are a part of my adventure and click on a daily basis on anamordan.com, for always being by my side, for sharing the same life values as I do and for being able to live life with a dose of fun in it. For me, you guys are like a family and from the bottom of my heart, I THANK YOU!
My sincerest gratitude to all the personalities who judged and voted for me. I am humbled and grateful for your recognition!
Avon and Evensys, Intel and the rest of the crew, you guys did a great job, yet again, and I am so proud that I was awarded at your Gala!
Below is a video where filled with emotions (watch my hands) I say my `thank you`s.
To all my team,
I would have never dreamt to find such amazing people who believe in my dream as much you guys do! You are irreplaceable!
Four years ago a little lady started an adventure in the land of internet, life and style. Four years later she`s an online entrepreneur who is living her dream – doing what she loves and making her living from it.
Ana Morodan
asa ceva … esti tare Ana!!! FELICITARI SINCERE!!! tot inainte, eu sunt aici te urmaresc si te ador!
era de asteptat, pentru esti cea mai tare Ana! Bravos!
nice moment ce frumos le-ai multumit :)))) si noi iti multumim pentru tot ce ne daruiesti zilnic Ana!
hard work always pays off, congratulations for you gratitute and determination, you are a relevant inspiration in my life!
true style must be awarded! 😀
tot inainte! felicitari!
multumim si noi! esti bestiala!
Ana the countess making waves iuhuuuuu :* LOVE
o zi glorioasa pe care o meriti!
beuatiful moment :* heart melting!
wow incredibil cati oameni sunt in spate, e clar ca trebuie sa stii cine esti si unde vrei sa fii pentru a aduna o echipa asa frumoasa :* felicitari esti minunata!
it is normal to be emotional Ana, it’s a big award and you desirve it!
eu in postura de cititoare si admiratoare ma simt mandra ca te urmaresc si ca voi continua sa fac asta 🙂 felicitari!
adorable! love you!
ce frumoooooos :*** primesc atatea ganduri bune si sfaturi utile care realmente ma ajuta sa imi traiesc viata mai frumos de la tine, incat nu pot decat sa ma bucur enorm pentru tine!
love escargot bistro <3 congratulations!
cele mai sincere felicitari draga mea, eu si prietenele mele te salutam si te adoram :*
Felicitari, pt. mine era clar ca nimeni alta nu va castiga acest premiu. Te pup
superba si permiata! bravo Ana! felicitari tie si echipei!
Digital Diva of my life :)) nu pot sa traiesc fara ca e citesc si s-ti admir tinutele cred ca daca ti-ar disparea blogul as muriiiiiii 🙂
Cute wonderful lady :* congratulations!
You are the best!
Ce vesti minunate Ana! Ma bucur pentru tine! Iti doresc multe proiecte frumoase si de acum alaturi de echipa ta
O dulceata de diva :* besitos
Clearly an achievement with great work and vision! Keep up the good work dear
They chose right! You really are the Digital Diva we all love!
Glowing with gratitude, there is nothing more beautiful in the world….
Toata lumea e mandra de tine acasa Ana! Te pupam!
Love your instagram 🙂