Testing obsessions

LooksLiving Art
28 April 2011 / By / 16 Comments
Il Passo shoes, thrift dress, H&M cardigan, Vero Moda bag


You know that most women are madly in love with shoes. I feel the same way…when it comes to statement jewelry.


Now if I think about it, I actually  own not that many pairs of shoes. I did some research last night and I counted just 30 pairs, all seasons and sport shoes included. And from all those pairs I only wear daily and absolutely love 7 of them.

I prefer wearing not so sophisticated ones. I’m more of a simple, quite unbending, versatile,high heeled kind of girl.

But from time to time (mostly the times when I decide to do only window shopping!) I happen to spot a pair that totally wins my heart. Like those I’m wearing here.
In the first five minutes since I’ve stepped outside wearing them, two girls asked me where did I buy them from.

The answer is quite simple and predictable actually, if you are a shoe lover and know all the best stores in town where you can buy high-quality ones at affordable prices…IL PASSO.

Now I understand why most of you buy this type of shoes…they put a smile on your face and give you an instant boost of confidence.


Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Ana says:

    That’s such a classy look! Love it!


  2. Anca says:

    Yes, shoes are a lovely treat if not the perfect treat for almost any woman. Or, at least, that’s how I feel. I do love Il passo shoes, and the ones you got are gorgeous! I’m sure you’ll enjoy them! 🙂

  3. Iulia Romana says:

    Superb carganul tau si ador pantofii cei noi ♥

  4. daria says:

    the shoes are wonderful! and I love those big polka dots on the dress!

  5. Sing says:

    Cute outfits and I love the shoes.

  6. Zazuza says:

    foaaaai, ce frumosi sunt! iar camasa aia vintage e dementa curata, cat e de minunata!

  7. Stephanie says:

    oh my god! the shoes from Il Passo are amazing! I love them.. the collection is great 😀 😀 love your dress 🙂

    Live.Laugh.Love. – everyday.

  8. colorsdiary says:

    great review and great shoes!


  9. Eszter says:

    I’m in the market for some fabulous new shoes, you just gave me some great ideas

  10. Angelina says:

    Both looks are so great!! You are gorgeouus!!
    Love the polka dots dress and the shoes!!

  11. That shoes you got there is definitely a pair to die for and I would grab one too if this brand is sold here! The other thing that caught my eye is your gorgeous clutches, I wanna snag that too!! I’m into clutches now and it’s so hard to find nice structured ones here!!

  12. Meghan says:

    these looks are both so classy, ladylike and cute!


  13. such fab pictures from the snobish afternon ….really great <3<3<3...gorgeous people...<3<3<3
    and u look so sweet in these outfits….so elegant,chic,gracefull…like a princes … love how u manage to transmit that through the pictures….
    heyyy….hope u will join my page someday…
    u have fab views of bucarest to share and not to talk about your amazing style…
    hope to see u there someday sweetie
    happy monday…week….and why not…happy month :)))

  14. mara says:

    d-abea am descoperit lumea ta .. si am citit toate posturile.
    look-urile tale sunt super- la moda dar cu personalitate.

    imi plac pantofii – sunt o slabaciune – imi amintesc de unii de miu miu de acum vreo 2 ani, doar ca aceia aveau tocul gros.

    si imi place enorm bluza de zara.

  15. AMINTA says:

    Wow!! I just love your style … so femenine and glamorous 😀 …

    Following 😀 found you at the facebook group.

  16. Love the colours and the print, lovely job! XO Raspberry & Rouge


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