Social Places of Bucharest – Frudisiac

LooksLiving Art
30 March 2015 / By / 24 Comments

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Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 presetI am wearing a PNK Casual skirt and an H&M S/S Studio blazer and hat

Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu



Predictable, I know, since I spend all my spare time here ever since this place opened. Yes, Frudisiac is my favorite place lately. Like really, not that there is another place which I like. Nope, this place…this place really got into my hedonist social self-mind. I even gave it my own nickname – Frudi. And in Morodan Land when I nickname something it means I really adore it.


Here are Frudisiac`s fortes which made it top of my list these days:



  •  their scandi setting
  • the delicious and healthy food (I even find what I need for my Limitless food program)
  • the crowd of people who also spend their time there
  • the extremely well chosen and relaxing music
  • the friendly staff
  • the velvet like green smoothies -the first ones which I like and I actually drink
  • the holiday feeling this place somehow succeeds in inspiring us
  • because  this place is in my neighbourhood, which makes it even more adorable


 Well, if you pass by see you there ana-9






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  1. andreea mara says:

    Locul e intr-adevar minunat, iar muzica e unul dintre factorii care il face ataaaaat de special

  2. AnaMaria Ion says:

    love that kimono, and it goes perfect with the hat

  3. crina says:

    Frudisiac e minunat

  4. Amalia A says:

    Am auzit numai lucruri bune despre Frudisiac, si cred ca avem nevoie de astfel de locuri cool, cu mancare buna si oameni frumosi

  5. delia says:

    Social Places e una din rubricile mele preferate 🙂

  6. Adriana Lupea says:

    Foarte frumos! Hai si la Brasov, avem o gramada de locuri frumoase 😉

  7. Dora says:

    Ador smoothie-urile si “fur” retete de peste tot! Frudi e urmatorul pe lista :)))

  8. sonia says:

    ai dreptate, decorul e impecabil

  9. di says:

    try Simbio as well for the holiday feeling 😉 You’ll love it

  10. maria andrei says:

    parca nu mai esti in bucuresti, sentimentul e foarte special ❤️

  11. Cici says:

    Their coffee is the best in town!

  12. doris ion says:

    My God, their food looks amazing, I must go ASAP :))

  13. Felicia says:

    Palaria e absolut minunata ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  14. ulyana says:

    love your hat, darling 😉

  15. IceQueen says:

    Love this place, it’s really cool and the food is great, trust me ,I LOVE FOOD!

  16. marie simone says:

    you look amazing

    PS: great legs! 😉

  17. ILEANA says:

    Imi plac mult recomandarile tale, am fost in toate locurile de pe lista si sunt minunate. Abia astept sa testez Frudisiac

  18. dana lupea says:

    Frudisiac e un loc special

  19. Lady Di says:

    The place is dog friendly so 1000 points from me 😉

  20. Lina says:

    Kimonoul perfeeeect ❤️

  21. laura says:

    smoothie-urile chiar sunt delicioase, si eu prefer intotdeauna o bautura carbogazoasa in locul uneia sanatoase :/

  22. Gina says:

    Azi in pauza de pranz ma duc negresit 🙂

  23. Bookish says:

    Pare foarte stylish localul desi din afara aduce un pic cu un hambar 😀

  24. candrea nadia alina says:

    Superb!!! Si imi place mult tinuta ta <3
    Din nou, inspiration!

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