I am wearing a PNK Casual skirt and an H&M S/S Studio blazer and hat
Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu
Predictable, I know, since I spend all my spare time here ever since this place opened. Yes, Frudisiac is my favorite place lately. Like really, not that there is another place which I like. Nope, this place…this place really got into my hedonist social self-mind. I even gave it my own nickname – Frudi. And in Morodan Land when I nickname something it means I really adore it.
Here are Frudisiac`s fortes which made it top of my list these days:
- their scandi setting
- the delicious and healthy food (I even find what I need for my Limitless food program)
- the crowd of people who also spend their time there
- the extremely well chosen and relaxing music
- the friendly staff
- the velvet like green smoothies -the first ones which I like and I actually drink
- the holiday feeling this place somehow succeeds in inspiring us
- because this place is in my neighbourhood, which makes it even more adorable
Well, if you pass by see you there
Locul e intr-adevar minunat, iar muzica e unul dintre factorii care il face ataaaaat de special
love that kimono, and it goes perfect with the hat
Frudisiac e minunat
Am auzit numai lucruri bune despre Frudisiac, si cred ca avem nevoie de astfel de locuri cool, cu mancare buna si oameni frumosi
Social Places e una din rubricile mele preferate 🙂
Foarte frumos! Hai si la Brasov, avem o gramada de locuri frumoase 😉
Ador smoothie-urile si “fur” retete de peste tot! Frudi e urmatorul pe lista :)))
ai dreptate, decorul e impecabil
try Simbio as well for the holiday feeling 😉 You’ll love it
parca nu mai esti in bucuresti, sentimentul e foarte special ❤️
Their coffee is the best in town!
My God, their food looks amazing, I must go ASAP :))
Palaria e absolut minunata ❤️❤️❤️❤️
love your hat, darling 😉
Love this place, it’s really cool and the food is great, trust me ,I LOVE FOOD!
you look amazing
PS: great legs! 😉
Imi plac mult recomandarile tale, am fost in toate locurile de pe lista si sunt minunate. Abia astept sa testez Frudisiac
Frudisiac e un loc special
The place is dog friendly so 1000 points from me 😉
Kimonoul perfeeeect ❤️
smoothie-urile chiar sunt delicioase, si eu prefer intotdeauna o bautura carbogazoasa in locul uneia sanatoase :/
Azi in pauza de pranz ma duc negresit 🙂
Pare foarte stylish localul desi din afara aduce un pic cu un hambar 😀
Superb!!! Si imi place mult tinuta ta <3
Din nou, inspiration!