Santa is Coming To Town. Oh, Pardon Me, COS is Coming To Town!

LooksLiving Art
27 April 2016 / By / 21 Comments






Ana-Morodan-COS-4I am wearing an Cos S/S16 outfit & Mooncast Jewelry rings 

Photos taken at Transilvania Guest Houses 


Santa is Coming To Town. Oh, Pardon Me, COS is Coming To Town! Which is Actually Better  9b


Stop thinking that! Stoopppp thinking that! I can be anything but I`m not a hypocrite. Everybody can confirm that. You`re thinking that right now, aren`t you?


How can you, you only wear sequins, shiny things, long lavish dresses and tons of jewelry all day long. How can you be overjoyed that such a minimalist brand is opening its first flagship store in Romania? How can this be important to you?


Pfff, well, well, welllll, you already know the answer. I`ve said it countless times here, at my style conferences and in every fashion related interview I have ever given: A Few Great Basics are what make the world go round. Because they are the perfect base for layering accessories. Naturally.  And which brand delivers desirable IT basics that are also of high quality ? A? Yes, predictable enough, it`s COS. And it`s coming to Romania. Sooner than you think. 9b In a building that was built in the interbellic period on Calea Victoriei. So start saving and get your Must Have Basics List together because we`re going shopping! inima-albastru



And in case you`re wondering what`s on my Basics list this summer:


  • White overalls 
  • Beige long dress
  • White mid-length skirt
  • White Kaftan
  • White hat
  • Nude tube dress
  • Nude overalls
  • White sequin bag


I`m planning to update my countess look to a more ghosty one. #haha









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  1. Evelina says:

    Rochile lungi bej le ador! <3 Zi faina, Ana!

  2. Kiki says:

    In sfarsit! Love Cos <3

  3. Alina Beuran says:

    A doua poza e superba… dintotdeauna mi-am dorit asa o biblioteca 🙂

  4. Iuly says:

    Sunt de acord, oricat de excentric ai fi, tot vine ziua aceea in care ai nevoie de un item basic calumea 🙂

  5. MoroFan says:

    Cos looks amazing on you!

  6. Anamaria M. says:

    Credeam ca doar eu numar zilele pana de deschide magazinul asta. Abia astept

  7. raluca-Ionela says:

    ce locatie frumoasa <3

  8. mirunica says:

    Iti sta foarte bine in bej, ar trebui sa porti mai des 😀

  9. GabyGaby says:

    No matter what you wear, you still look majestic!

  10. Sara Miu says:

    Love the long skirt, it’s perfect

  11. nana says:

    Gorgeous photos ❤️❤️❤️

  12. Jojo says:

    dar acel colier superb, ala de unde a aparut??

  13. Lavinia Oprea says:

    Locul in care ti-ai facut pozele arata minunat, cred ca ar fi perfect pentru o mica vacanta dupa nebunia de Pasti 😀

  14. oana onutza says:

    Mi se pare fascinant cum reusesti sa faci ceva atat de rafinat si din niste piese extrem de minimaliste ca cele de la Cos. Great job!

  15. Cati says:

    Ultima poza imi place cel mai mult: culorile, decorul, toate se potrivesc minunat si tu imi insufli doar buna dispozitie si energii pozitive 🙂 Love your blog

  16. Lorena Slav says:

    Beige is the new black :X

  17. pamela says:

    cand se deschide Cos????

  18. koko love says:

    Acum cateva zile m-am uitat la postari mai vechi si wow, iti statea foarte tare cu parul lung! Nu il mai lasi sa creasca? 😀

  19. Catalina says:

    Stil retro-minimalist, semnat de COS. Îmi place!

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