Internet’s Inspiring Insides

Living Art
10 July 2017 / By / 6 Comments


My frugal presence around here is compensated with more dashes of social media (on Insta & Facebook) and it’s caused by me recording (day in/day out) the first ever TV show I’m hosting. Daily, on Antena 1, starting on the 30th of August. You’ll find out more soon.

This is me, in a filming break, reading The Lost Art of Being a Lady. I’m still reading the chapter on ‘How to Use Arsenic Judiciously’. 10b


And since on set you also have to wait until all the cameras are set, here are the internet gems I’ve discovered this week:


  • Hotii de AER – don’t ignore this – forests are one of the reasons we exist!







  • Nautilus – this little wise life lesson










Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. MalinaMadalina says:

    For me you are the most inspiring thing on the internet, to be honest 😀

  2. Laura Mandru says:

    Love mult de tot tinuta & poza, esti adorabila

  3. diana albu says:

    Oooh, ce tare, nu stiam ca vei avea o emisiune. Abia astept sa inceapa 😀

  4. BoyGeorge says:

    Cat de tari sunt locatiile Wes Anderson-inene, wow. Chiar ca parca sunt din universul lui si nu reale.

  5. Oana_P says:

    Ambiverts all the way!

  6. Bry Jaimea says:

    On my way to buy this book for myself!


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