How To Experience China Like a Hedonist Millennial

Living Art
22 December 2016 / By / 13 Comments

As social media proved it, I’ve freshly returned from China. Huawei invited me to visit their headquarters in Beijing, Shenzhen & Shanghai and without any fake pr I can tell you that I was impressed. The Shenzhen headquarter is as big as a city! Nonetheless, you already know that Huawei is one of my love brands so there is no surprise in this aspect. I still remember how I was the only one who got so emotional during a Huawei conference with 500 people, that I cried. Yep, selling emotion works, people, it works!




Well, I had travel companions. Millennial travel companions, I would say. Diana & Emil. And living this adventure together brought up some patterns the three of us had.


  1. You have to see the Chinese wall. So many novels, so many movies, so many stories about it. We had to be taken there to see it. But a millennial is not going to the Chinese wall like a simple tourist. No. A millennial has stashes. Stashes of what? Of gadgets to capture the beauty and the special moments. Outfits to change into for the perfect social media picture  (  referring here at Diana & Me #duh)



2. Then you should marvel in front of the Shenzhen cosmopolite vibe. Did you know that Shenzhen was just a fishermen village some 30 years ago? Now it looks like a version of New York. Because yes, a millennial always searches and finds the coolest districts in every city. And drinks matcha latte (which tastes bleacs, but they say it’s hip – still bleacs).


Oh, these are just the black swans from the lake inside the Shenzhen Huawei headquarter & my Best Dressed Personality Award from Beau Monde Magazine inima-albastru








3. This is a niche millennial aspect, but that doesn’t mean it’s less important – so focus – As a millennial woman in her 30s (or as every woman in history) you suddenly think of yourself as a sex bomb. And you act like it (tackiness, hello) so bare a leg if you don’t have a way for a hugggee cleavage to come out, it’s mostly and utterly necessary. Anywhere. 



So that you know, these traditional Chinese dresses are the definition of sensuality. B-U-Y  O-N-E

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4. Millennials are declared hedonists, so booking a high tea appointment is KEY for our mental health. It’s like a spa, but with food. 


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Just me in ELLE Magazine – move along. 



5. Responsible Millennials celebrate their country values no matter where they are. 1st of December happened on the streets of Shanghai. And then they go shopping for things whose names they can’t read.



Cutest/weirdest food in the universe


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I have an Huawei watch but still fancied this stylish one


Shenzhen from the top floor of St. Regis – fishermen village 30 years ago. I repeat. And now this. 



And last, but obviously not least. Get yourself one of those Chinese hand painted paper umbrellas. You’ll certainly be a stand out millennial the next summer.

Au revoir China,  thank you for the memories! And for the inspiration! Now I want the Morodan Corporation to be as big as Huawei!

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Antoo says:

    So jealous! Looks like you’ve had an amazing time!

  2. Laura Cobalcic says:

    Sper sa ajung si eu pe Zid anul asta, visez la asa o excursie de mult timp

  3. Anca Miruna says:

    Ti-am urmarit aventura in China pe social media cu sufletul la gura, a fost de vis 🙂

  4. lovelygirl says:

    love your outfit in the first photo

  5. Daria B. says:

    Ce priveliste, WOW <3

  6. Merga Daniela says:

    Vai, ce sunt pinguinii aceia? Orez? :O Sunt adorabili!

  7. Diana Elena Crisan says:

    Oooh, ador umbrelele chinezesti, dar n-am avut niciodata curajul sa ies cu una pe strada

  8. Amy says:

    You’re so beautiful! Love that coloured dress!!

  9. Fluffycat says:

    This got me feeling very Christmassy! They’ve got amazing decorations

  10. Laya says:

    Hope you’ve enjoyed, China is gorgeous!

  11. Miruna says:

    Cat de tari sunt lebedele de la sediul Huawei ❤️️❤️️

  12. cata says:

    What a place, mi-ar placea sa vizitez China intr-o zi

  13. Daia says:

    Ce mi-a mai placut poza de 1 Decembrie :X

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