One of the Coolest & Chic-est Dinners I’ve Hosted

Living Art
14 April 2018 / By / 17 Comments

He enters my office and smiles the way he smiles all the times when he knows I would love what he has to say.

So McDonald’s called. They want you to host a dinner at the M’Office. A glamorous dinner to celebrate the launch of their new gourmet burgers.

Well, I guess I’ll go and mark it as DONE on your ‘Things to do Before I die’ list. 

Claude knows me well. He knows me best, I would say, and this was just another example to prove it. This was one of the events I simply loved to host. A lot. It’s glamour with a perfect dose of approachable vibe. The mix that I love the most and the kind of experience I like best. I will be honest with you once again on this matter: I could eat at Mc Donald’s three times a day (yes, I like burgers. But you know that already) and this dinner combined one of my favourite meals with that kind of glamour that is fascinating for me as it has a certain friendly charm. The elitism is not necessarily what makes me tick. At all actually. 


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Considering the fact that the dinner was held at our office I made it the best ever. I told you that I have trouble with leaving my safe place lately(you’ll find out the reason why in episode 2 of The Moffice Show – airs on my social media on the 23rd of April), so I wanted something intimate, the MOffice team and a few close friends. inima-albastru

Of course the Maestro Burgers are delicious. What else would you’d expect? I told you I am a McDonald’s fan (everyone who knows me can confirm it). And by the way, you have two Maestro Gourmet choices: the delicious beef and the yummy chicken. So go taste them, you have one life, forget dieting for a sec and live a little. 


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Thank you McDonald’s for creating such a cool experience and most of all, for choosing me for your first ever Romanian glamorous event. You created an unforgettable memory for us all. Also, thank you for leaving the setting as it was for one more day and sending the delicious gourmet burgers again the next morning, so that our offline projects manager who missed the dinner, could also enjoy the vibe. That’s good PR done with consideration and you totally won my heart for that. inima-albastru


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Andra Andreescu overall – Gabirela Dumitran head accessory 

Photos by Adrian Scutariu



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  1. Anca S says:

    Hahah, mi se pare geniala ideea celor de la Mc sa faca asa un eveniment fancy cu burgeri si mai ales, cu tine. ?
    App, si mie imi plac burgerii de mor! I feel you.

  2. Ramo Ramona says:

    Sunt deliciosi burgerii. Te-am urmarit live pe Fb, am balit ca o nebuna cu gandul la cina voastra si a doua zi am fost direct la mec. Epicul e preferatul meu. Chiar sunt altceva burgerii astia.

  3. Iuliana says:

    Biroul de contesa e superb! Iar masa alba, decorata cu cristale si flori e ca la palat. Bravo! ?

  4. Flori F says:

    esti de vis.. tinuta, palaria, masa… N-am cuvinte! Pup..

  5. Coco Tim says:

    V-am urmarit live la tine pe facebook. Mi s-a parut un eveniment elegant si de bun gust. Inca n-am incercat Maestro, dar arata bine in poze. :))

  6. Monica Tamas says:

    Wow! Wow! Mi se pare super tare evenimentul asta. Si exclusivist. O cina atat de eleganta si de rafinata cu flori si sfesnice la care sa se serveasca hamburgeri nu-mi imaginam. Numai tu puteai sa faci ceva atat de excentric si frumos. Ana, esti o inspiratie! Te felicit pentru tot ce faci.

  7. Diana Di says:

    Nu as fi zis ca te prinde atat de bine o salopeta. Ai accesorizat-o neasteptat si arati demential. Nu stiu cum reusesti sa fii mereu o aparitie. Te admir mult. :*

  8. Camelia says:

    Esti asa de frumoasa si de naturala, si de fireasca! Imi place ca nu te sfiesti sa pozezi in ipostaze normale.

  9. Maria Ioana says:

    Chestia aia cu stele de pe cap e foarte interesanta si speciala, exact ca si tine. ❤️❤️❤️

  10. Alexandra Achim says:

    Care au gost criteriile pentru cina asta? Se mai organizeaza? As fi interesata sa particip si eu cu sotul meu. Ar fi o surpriza pentru el pt ca ii plac foarte mult hamburgherii. Multumesc.

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Din pacate nu, a fost doar lansarea insa ca idee romantica poti organiza tu o astfel de cina pentru sotul tau, sunt sigura ca va fi si mai romantic 🙂

  11. Mimi says:

    Domnul asta pe care l-ai invitat singur la masa e iubitul tau?
    Asta da cina romantica in doi :))))

    • Ana Morodan says:

      Este colegul nostru george :)) Partenerul meu de viata nu face parte din viata mea virtuala, doar din cea reala 🙂

  12. Paula says:

    Si eu as iubi burgerii daca mi-ar pregati cineva asa o cina. Super!

  13. Dan Alex says:

    Am mancat si eu astia noi Maestro si sunt foarte buni fata de restul. Imi plac sosurile si carnea, ca e consistenta. Merci de recomandare 😉

  14. Veronica V says:

    Ana, am vrut sa te intreb mai demult si am uitat. De unde e tapetul albasteu cu flori? Arata imperial salonul ala de ceai cu tapet si catifele.

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