Do I Want Children? WoW asked…

Morodan TV
16 March 2016 / By / 12 Comments


Claudia Stirbei said she decided to develop her own site after she heard Mirela Bucovicean & I speak at Naked Pr. Since then she developed quite a community around her site


A few weeks ago she came to another one of my online business developing classes and asked me if I wanted to take part in her interview series. 


Claudia, I don`t have kids and I don`t want kids. I`m not part of your target – I said being all Cruella like. 

Oh but Ana, we`ll talk about so many other things…Come onnnn – Claudia insisted. 


Filmed by Tanase Vlad – Editing:Radu Ciuca


What is relevant to state before you jump to conclusions is that I am authentically fond of children. I`m not a real life Curella de Vil for God`s sake #haha. I am an aunt and a godmother but I`m just not feeling my motherly instinct right now and as I know me, I won`t ever feel it. This does not mean that I can`t love or respect other women`s decision to have kids. This is not the issue at hand. 


We live in a world where everybody is free to make their own decisions. You don`t have to judge my decision as I don`t judge yours.  I`ve lived these situations where people after hearing my decision, looked at me as if I were an alien. And it feels pretty unfair to have to excuse myself every time I say I don`t want to have my own children. 


 I`ll be a rich old lady (cause I`m working my butt off to succeed) with lots of sequined dresses. But my plan is to take care of the people in need (suna a discurs de Miss Universe, stiu), so maybe there won’t be that many sequined dresses after all #haha.


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  1. Alexandra says:

    Sunt sigura ca-ti plac copiii la nebunie 🙂

  2. Alexandra says:

    M-am saturat sa aud “trebuie sa faci copii”. Nu, nu trebuie daca nu ti-i doresti. Nu inseamna ca esti un monstru, ci doar un om care-si asuma niste alegeri. Si cred cu tarie ca un copil nu poate creste fericit intr-o familie care nu l-a dorit cu adevarat

  3. Lavinia says:

    Ce frumos ca ai amintiri frumoase cu bunica ta 🙂

  4. Oana Tudose says:

    I love WOW MOM <3 ma bucur ca te-am vazut printre femeile intervievate

  5. miriam says:

    cute dress, the sleeves are my favourite cut

  6. stefania andronic says:

    2016 si inca sunt oameni mirati de alti oameni care nu se vad parinti. WOW!

  7. Floarea M. says:

    Stii ce cred? Cred ca esti genul de om care poate sa indrume foarte frumos un copil, sa aiba un aport in viata lui, chiar daca nu e legatura de sange intre voi. Si asta e mare lucru. Ar fi bine sa fie mai multi oameni ca tine.

  8. corina mazilu says:

    parca ma aud pe mine cand spui de linistea asta de dupa 30 :))

  9. Teodora Rasu says:

    Ma bucur sa aud ca din ce in ce mai multe mame tinere pun accent pe educatie si, mai mult, nu se uita pe ele dupa ce devin mame.

  10. Anca Vasile says:

    Cu copii sau fara, mie-mi place mult Ana Morodan. Si cred ca asumarea e mai importanta decat orice

  11. Rodica says:

    Draga mea, iti spun din ce-am vazut in jurul meu: decat sa faci un copil pe care de fapt nu ti-l doresti, mai bine nu.

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