What To Never Do on a First Date

Living Art
26 January 2015 / By / 28 Comments



Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana Morodan

Ana MorodanI am wearing an Atelier Danessa necklace

© Serban Cristea in a concept setting by Purple Flowers Make-up by Special Koko



 Well, I`m 30 now, this means green light to these kind of visuals and discussions, don`t you think?

I don`t know about you people but I`ve made lots of ridiculous things on my first dates. I`ve also applied some behavior tricks which worked. Fact is, from both aspects I`ve learned some wisdom strategies and ended up with some extremely funny memories.

Situations, feelings, good outfit decisions, bad action decisions, it all payed off in the end. I ended of with Superman. But until here it was a long and very comical journey. Like the time I wanted to surprise one of my dates with a mermaid dance in the bathtub and ended up breaking my hand – hence the romantic version of today`s shooting. Pffff, anyways, here`s what I`ve learned:


Do`s & Don`ts on a First Date




  • Be open to unexpected situations and date ideas – I for one, I remember that time when a young man took me to dine on a rooftop. In Winter. Of course we froze, of course I caught the flu, of course I wanted to smash him in the face afterwards but it was a surprising first date and made it to the memory box. And we dated for 5 month. Then he called me crazy and dumped me.


  • Do wear sexy lingerie – Nope, not because it is ok to have sex on your first date. Or it isn`t. I`m not the one to judge anything. I`m just saying that with my 30`s mind I`ve finally understood the power of sexy lingerie. It does not necessarily require to be shown to somebody else. By just wearing it it will make you feel sensual and confident. Yes, it took me 10 years to finally understand why my cotton underwear was not good enough for an ego boost.


  • Do have a positive attitude, enjoy a lady like drink and be You – You know, being all mironosita like brought me the sclifosita nickname one time. Yep, I said to myself that I should behave like a perfect English rose and be this pristine Miss – The result? Complete failure. Yep, not because of my date but because I didn`t got to enjoy, play, have fun and behave like Dita von Teese. You know? I missed the fun. So from that time on it was all about fancy cocktails and natural and positive behavior. As in laughter.




  • Don`t talk about your ex
  • Don`t get too personal – never forget our most powerful weapon – mystery
  • No really, don`t talk about your ex
  • Don`t talk about sex. You`re a woman after all. Maybe activate your innocent side a little and be lady like? It works, lots of my friends confirmed this is more seductive than a big mouth on revealing intimate aspects about what you might like or not…in bed
  • Don`t add him on Facebook after your first date. Not, not, notttt. Act like you are totally detached. Men are hunters. They like it when they have to put some work into the charming game.



The idea of this article came to me after being challenged by Stalinskaya to remember a night when I had tremendous fun. Well I didn`t have one but quite a few. The bits of wisdom above are drawn from all of them.

If you have a story from one of your nights to remember, first date or not, tell it in a few words in a comment below and 3 of you, with the best stories will each win a pack of 3 Stalinskaya bottles (Red, Blue and Silver) and the chance to get your story published on Stalinskaya`s official Facebook page.


Ana Morodan


And here`s some making of flashes – Dhaniel Nora and his team prepping the setting. Milk, it was milk which made the water blurry white. I sensed you were wondering. Cleopatra gave us women some pretty handy advice, don`t you think? And a video we tried to make but ended up with this.


Ana Morodan














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  1. irina ioana says:

    superbe pozele

  2. Odette says:

    The photos are amaaaaazing

  3. diana dinu says:

    daaaa, DO NOT talk about your ex! :)))

  4. flavia says:

    mai am eu una: sa nu gatesti 😉

  5. PoisonYvY says:

    the song is perfect

  6. Alexandrescu Alma says:

    Shootingurile tale sunt atat de creative, imi plac la nebunie! De fiecare data cand ma gandesc ca nu mai ai cum sa suprinzi, hop, apari goala in cada cu lapte 🙂

    Te pup!

  7. MariJeanne says:

    Lovely flowers and amazing photos

  8. gina says:

    misterul trebuie sa ramana si la intalnirea cu numarul 100! misterul e cheia oricarei relatii

  9. fashionette says:

    love sexy lingerie

  10. iguanitza says:

    Ce poze frumoase…iar machiajul… Koko worked her magic <3

  11. Alexandra S says:

    Povestea e scurta, dar relatia mea cu vodka e una complicata. Eu o iubesc pe ea si ea pe mine, dar a existat un anume moment in viata, in care a tinut neaparat sa ma faca de ras. Nu-i nimic romantic la o fata care a uscat niste flori dupa ce bause o sticla de vodka, nu? Nu cred ca mi se pare doar mie.

    Long story short. Am iesit cu o gasca de cam prea multi prieteni (care nu stiu ce-au pazit, de ce nu mi-au tinut socoteala la pahare) intr-un club oarecare. Am comandat vodka (aparent, prea multa) si am baut pana ni s-a taiat filmu. Dar nu asta a fost problema. First, dupa ce distractia s-a incheiat, iar nota de plata s-a impartit in functie de nr. de pahare consumate, mademoiselle A. (adica eu) n-a vrut sa plateasca decat 3 pahare, ca atat a baut ea. Cica. Si am platit doar 3. Desi bausem 8 sau 9, who counts them? :-))

    Si-a mai urmat ceva. Am ajuns la pensiunea unde eram cazati, unde ne astepta cealalta jumatate a gastii. Prietenii mei dragi stateau la balcon si ma priveau in timp ce intr-un fel deloc gingas vodka imi parasea stomacul direct peste florile bietei tantici care avea casuta inchiriata. “Baaaa, ofileeeesti florile!!!”

    Culmea intamplarii? A doua zi, florile erau ofilite. 🙂 N-as fi crezut.

  12. Laura Tica says:

    Mie mi s a intamplat cea mai cea situatie: am iesit cu un tip care-mi placea la nebunie intr-unul dintre cele mai fancy restaurante din oras. Cel mai scump vin, cea mai buna mancare, desert minunat, inainte sa vina nota Fat Frumos s-a dus la toaleta si dus a fost :))

  13. Ella says:

    Dinner on a rooftop sounds cool and romantic

  14. mirela danciulescu says:

    intr-o duminica de primavara ma uitam cu jint la o galeata plina cu trandafiri in fata unei florarii. dupa vreo cateva minute am plecat. la prima trecere de pietoni m-a oprit un domn care mi-a spus “pentru dumneavoastra, sa aveti o zi splendida!”. mi-a dat galeata cu trandafiri 🙂

  15. lore says:

    love this kind of bathtub

  16. Ristea Adelina says:

    Prima intalnire in masina, cu cafea de la drive in, 4 ore de povesti. We ended up married 🙂

  17. MihaElla says:

    machiajul e magic ❤️

  18. Mistery Woman says:

    Mistery is the best idea in a relationship 😉

  19. Distractiv articol 🙂 chiar mi-am adus aminte de o groaza de intalniri :)))

    Va invit pe blogul si pagina mea de facebook:

  20. Stefania Ion says:

    Prima mea intalnire ever a fost in clasa a IX-a si Andrei – caci asa se intituleaza- m-a dus la film. Titanic! A adormit cu mult inainte de final :))

  21. Daniela P. says:

    Draga mea,
    As avea atatea sa povestesc despre intalnirile memorabile :)))

  22. Pamela says:

    I muuuuust have a shooting like this, it’s amaaaaazing!!

  23. andreea mihaela says:

    suprinzatoare ca de obicei 🙂 ti se potriveste rolul Cleopatrei 🙂

  24. Andra Georgiana says:

    Never drink alcohol on a first date 😉 va spun eu ca e nasol :)))

  25. Mirela says:

    extraordinare pozele

  26. oana maris says:

    eu am fost spalata cu coca cola din cap pana-n picioare :)) eram in Cismigiu (sooo romantic) si am cumparat o cola care fusese foaaaarte agitata in prealabil. nu mai zic cat de alba era rochia pe care o purtam si cum am aratat dupa

  27. Ion Despina says:

    Cea mai tare poveste a mea: am alunecat si mi-am rupt piciorul in drum spre patinoar! A fost first date la camera de garda si pana am scapat eu de ghips el si-a gasit pe altcineva :))

  28. Diana says:

    Esti trecerea de la femeia aspirationala, Barbie-type, la frumusetea reala, superba si amuzanta, fara sa-si piarda din “fatalitate”. Congrats, lady!

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