Anti CyberBullying by Discovery Romania
Morodan TV, Living Art
Great Initiative Discovery Romania! Great Initiative! For all of you who got affected by this crap, here’s my point of view. #NuSuntIntimidat
Great Initiative Discovery Romania! Great Initiative! For all of you who got affected by this crap, here’s my point of view. #NuSuntIntimidat
A day or two before Romania started protesting the abusive and HIGHLY un-European measures (almost) implemented by our Government, we thought that we should take to the streets for our daily pictures. But this time we were keen on shooting a different kind of street style, with a different vibe; a more real one, a more vibrant one, one […]
A sosit momentul pentru toti influencerii sa vorbeasca despre ce se intampla in Romania astazi! E momentul ca in aceste zile sa ne gandim la alte lucruri decat micile placeri zilnice pe care le promovam. E momentul ne folosim de toata influenta pe care o avem pentru a schimba valorile Romaniei. Suntem mai mult […]
Well, I have to admit we’ve been talking about upgrading the countess like experience… raise your glass tea cup for finding it a higher purpose! You know me, I’ll always fancy tea – or a gin. So why not enjoy the experience and help others in the same time? This was Maria’s from I Wonder (Ringier’s […]
Ola! Hai ca ma urnesc incetul cu incetul. Rabdare. La batranete lucrurile se misca mai poticnit. Unde mai pui ca ma lasa si memoria! #ginsengsiberian stiu, iau. En fin, Cristina Stanciulesu s-a incumetat si m-a vizitat la birou sa povestim…tot felul. Aici sunt cele 4 parti ale materialului video, vorbiram mult, ce sa facem. Transmit […]