December 2017

The Gouvernatrice

LooksLiving Art

If you have a keen mind and obsessively analyze that certain genre of movies, set in the Belle-Époque/Mid-War era, or even those Agatha Christie novels, you’ll more often than not come across a very peculiar kind of character. It’s that character who has all the dirt on everybody else while always being impeccably prepped. Generating […]

12 December 2017 / By / 18 Comments

E 1 Decembrie, Romania!

Living Art

E 1 Decembrie, Romania! Astazi, de ziua ta, sa te gandesti ce potential ai; sa te gandesti la adevaratele valori, la natura spectaculoasa de care te bucuri. Si sa nu uiti ca, in vremuri de restriste, ai oferit eroi, care au ramas in istoria planetara! Astazi, de ziua ta Romania, iti doresc sa ai puterea […]

1 December 2017 / By / 14 Comments