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13 February 2014 / By / 25 Comments


ana and juice it



 .First of all, Spring is coming, the Black Eva boots era will be over soon, bare with me just a little. I still adore them.

As you know, every Autumn and Spring and lately every two months you see me saying  that I’m detoxing with a fluid only recipe.  As I told you then, the fluids were picked randomly by me and were mostly soups, smoothies and juices.

Well, lately this whole food responsibility vibe got to me. I understood how important it is for my body and mind. I understood that eating correctly can give you energy and I always loved the Duracell bunny, so why not be like it, a? I also discovered that my detox program has some serious flaws. That when you detox yourself with these kind of liquids those liquids should consist of healthy and rich nutrients that some of the time were missing from my personal detox program.

Until a few weeks ago when I discovered JUICE it.



love these juices

juice it love

ana loves juice it

juice it yum

ana having fun with juice itI am wearing a Parlor dress and The Black Eva boots from Ana Morodan @ Smiling Shoes

Photos by Silvia Postolatiev at Goccia



JUICE  it is a program that teaches you how you how to detox properly, its benefits and motivations and it also offers you the means to do it. In a  fun and comprehensive manner by the way (you know how slow minded I can be sometimes so this aspect came handy)

Here’s what I loved about JUICE it and why I decided that they are worth our attention (and believe me, I’ve tried many detox programs, I might say I am THE Queen of the Detox Programs – this one is by far the most effective):

  • they use only fresh, local ingredients
  • the vegetable and fruits are juiced in a special machine that preseaza la race (don’t know how to say that in English)
  • their juices are not pasteurized
  • they have different programs of 1/3 or 5 days of detox. New You, Beauty Boots and Skinny Bitch have all different juices and all of you can ask more information about these programs here
  • their team will answer you to any question you might have in an instant and will give you assistance during the detox program


Until now I’ve made a 3 days detox cure with the New You program and I really wasn’t hungry at all – this coming form a midget that can eat 6 pizzas/day.

This year I am really determined to live healthy, not only because I want to look good but because I have a very active life and I need to feel energetic and happy and if the way I eat can influence that then I am going to do it!


JUICE it  won me as a customer and consumer because of the serious way they treat these programs, the passion they put into it, the amount of healthy ingredients and the right way of preparing them. It’s easy to observe that this is not an amateur business like many detox programs tend to be.

I plan to do a 1 detox day every week. I just think that my body asks for it now.

You can read more about the benefits of detoxing  here


Now, there you go, my healthy detox secret. I hope it helps you guys and keep in mind, if the little wanna eat everything I see person like me succeeded, you can too. And after that you’ll feel light like a feather, I can bet you on that!







Detoxed Morodan









Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Claudia Lazar says:

    You look gorg, Ana!! :*

  2. wanda says:

    in sfarsit un program de incredere, sunt foarte hotarata sa urmez calea sanatatii de acum inainte, asa ca vestile tale sunt binevenite!

  3. Ilinca says:

    cool! o sa incerc, fiindca m-am saturat de amatori, vorba ta!

  4. Chicest Ladies Alive says:

    to be chic is to be healthy! looking yummy yummy!!!!

  5. Fete Fine says:

    cea mai buna decizie ai luat Ana!

  6. pop ileana says:

    suna cam bine, nu stiu cum faci dar ma motivezi de fiecare data cand vorbesti despre deciziile tale 🙂

  7. Love For Fashion says:

    love it dear! good news!

  8. alex says:

    pana si numele programelor sunt tentante si pline de viata! i will go for it too, let’s do it <3

  9. Baby Jean says:

    i must admit it seemed like the hardest thing to give up the food i adore, but after reading their info, it kinda made me think…

  10. Pina Lewis de Chic says:

    super duper lovely Juice It <3 <3 <3 i am their no. 1 fan

  11. A Modern Girl says:

    a modern girl has to detox, no other way to work it and shine it

  12. J.S. Luna says:

    very cool countess, loving it and trying it as I write. ha?! you didn’t expect that, right? :)))

  13. bea says:

    am invatat pe pielea mea ca fara un corp si o alimentatie sanatoasa, se duce totul de rapa, asa ca iti dau toata dreptatea si te sustin 🙂 asa de la distanta 🙂

  14. kiki J says:

    hmmm i just ate some junk food and i feel guilty now, you are like my alarm clock. RRRRRRING…OK, I am awake, need to stop this. God help me have will!

  15. Crina Stoicescu says:

    multumim darling de recomandare, te cred pe cuvant ca asa s-a intamplat, fiindca si eu incerc de mult timp sa gasesc solutia pentru o viata echilibrata intre multa munca si o alimentatie si un corp sanatos. este o veste asteptata, sa stii 😉 kiiiiiss

  16. Nico says:

    toata lumea vuieste despre detox…asa ca am citit link-urile din postul tau, si pot sa inteleg de ce acum. in sfarsit e clar. bun, sa fim sanatoase si stylish then 🙂 nu?

  17. gina malina says:

    nuuuuuu vrem cizmele sa ramana :))) si eu m-am indragostit de ele, si chiar mi-am cumparat! luv ya

  18. High Heels says:

    high heels & high health!

  19. Alina&Anca says:

    loving your new stylish photographer! you look great Ana! felicitari pentru decizie, e cea mai buna decizie anyone can make

  20. From Style Country says:

    ok, sorry but i will try it because it sounds damn sexy :)))) JUICE IT!

  21. vera says:

    ador povestile tale de viata, si cum le impartasesti cu noi. eu una de asta te urmaresc, ma inspiri Ana. si bineinteles, pentru stilul tau minunat. ne vedem la 5 minute class!

  22. julia toma ion says:

    foarte tare! mi-a placut la nebunie umorul si seriozitatea lor, sunt fan deja. am pus pe lista iuppyyyyy

  23. Dianaaa says:

    vai Doamne mor dupa inelele tale, si manichiura 🙂

  24. Anca says:

    M-a tentat inca de cand ti-am vazut poza pe instagram, din pacate livreaza doar in Bucuresti 🙁

  25. La cat de bine si healthy arati tu,evident programul asta de detox trebuie neaparat urmat. E pe lista de “to do” 🙂

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