Living Art
31 July 2010 / By / 67 Comments

Photos – Cornelia Gaie and Patricia Imbarus





You people have been reading about this for months now…I’m a hugggeee procrastinator, I KNOW.

One of my goals/dreams this year was putting together a small collection of dresses. The kind of dresses that I love and make me feel comfortable and glam. Well, here they are, some of them made it to this post some of them didn’t. Let’s just say that these are my top favorites.

In a more serious note let me just tell you that I don’t have any designer claims and there’s no burst of originality here, it’s just what I like and when I thought of the design I always thought that I’m the first customer.


About the name:
I’ve always loved the snobbish and superficial image of a woman having breakfast in an evening gown in some Parisian like bistro.

About the photo shooting:

Ohhh first I just thought that I should keep my “old buildings/ vintage/dark” mark, then I thought that I should do the shooting in nature, after that I thought that I should have the same background for all the dresses, ohhh I was completely uncreative so I’ve just made a big mess and posted a selection of all of them.

The particular thing about them is that they are evening like dresses (though I wear dresses like this even when I go at the market, just my own way to escape this gray and uniformed world) but they are made from lycra and cotton fabric which makes them very accessible and not that pretentious keeping the glam vibe and the low prices in the same time .

If you want to buy a dress you can send me an email and I will make sure your wish to become a magical fash/glam/fairy will become instantly true.

Soon you will be able to shop many other Snobbish Breakfast designs*

Well that’s all, that’s the little story behind my very very controversial project, I hope you guys will like the dresses and feel as special as I feel in them! And just remember… if Tiffany’s a long way, dressing like Audrey just became accessible





* from now on when you will see some of my outfits tagged with the Snobbish Breakfast label just know that you can order that item

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
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Ce-si genereaza omul cu organismul lui, COLAGEN bun se numeste
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  1. OMG Ana, is absolutely amazing. I love all of them, really, I’m being really serious. Awesome. I don’t know what to choose, really. I will wait that soon I will have some event to ask you one

    I’m totally fall in love

    congratulations, you did a great job, and you look great!!! at the pics

    a really big big kiss from spain

  2. nookie says:

    at last!!!
    loooove them all:X;x;x;x

  3. buffy says:

    so cool…de-abia astept sa vad that online de obicei esti minunata..sincer chiar te make a good job with this blog..

  4. I think your little dress line is great. They look flattering to the body and eye. My two favs for now are no.3 and the last one. Gorgeous!

    Hope you sell a loooot of these wonderful dresses, so I can see more pretty floating-like gals on the street! ^.^

    Lots of love,

  5. 4th photo from the bottom is the best: great pose, great face expression, makes you look tall and elegant like a real Parisian lady of the 40s 😀

  6. Ramona J. says:

    OMG….absolutely gorgeous,i can’t decide which one i like better! I would proudly wear any of them,i can’t take my eyes off!

  7. Haha! You read my mind, lovely. I have some more photo-posts from my trip to Paris on the queue, and then I’ll post something cute about the line, cause I really really like it!



  8. Liz says:

    I’m going to have to get myself together to order them all! They are everything that I want to wear. I love long dresses that are simple yet sophisticated and classic. I could wear each of them half a dozen ways. Congratulations on a beautiful collection of dresses!

  9. Anonymous says:

    colectia este absolut SUPERBA!!! culorile, materialul, modelele (nu mai vorbim…) sunt extraordinare! mi-e greu sa hotarasc “cea mai frumoasa”, dar cred ca ar fi al doilea model (de sus in jos), cel maro. oricum, modelele sunt foarte potrivite siluetei tale!

    FELICITARI maxime pentru colectie, este deosebita si numele este foarte inspirat 🙂

    BTW: cat costa rochiile?

    multa bafta in continuare si abia astept magazinul online, sa imi cumpar si eu stuff 🙂

    Raluca Istrate

  10. Eszter says:

    I gotta say you have just made long dresses fashionable again. I love the idea behind the collection, the morning glam look for a change, that hint of glamorous in the everyday grind. Although you make no claim to orginality, I have to disagree. You have managed to merge the maxi dress with the evening gown and keep it comfortable yet sexy, if that is not original then I don’t know what is.
    But to make a long story short: BRAVO! You really did good on this one.

  11. These are gorgeous and right up my alley. Great work, Ana! Congrats!

  12. Lainey says:

    You have such an amazing collection of long dresses. I love every single one of them, but I’m really drawn to the lime green one. So perfect.

  13. Andrejka says:

    I would buy all of them! Definitely! A love them! 🙂


  14. Martwa Marta says:

    you’re a real maxi dress queen! you look amazing in each presented in this post!

  15. Bilou says:

    De cand am asteptat sa vad rochiile astea.A meritat asteptarea,sunt superbe.Si iti vin minunat.

  16. ai o eleganta innascuta,deloc”educata”,ce mereu reuseste sa ma surprinda in cel mai frumos mod posibil..indiferent de ce porti..

    astept cu nerabdare site-ul!;)kisssses,my dear..

  17. Danielle says:

    Beautiful blog 🙂

    /Fashion Bowie

  18. Kate Friday says:

    Ana! those dresses are amazing. god they are beautiful. and you model them so wonderfully.

  19. Stephanie says:

    Omg!! I love ALL these outfits!! You look stunning and these pictures are amazing :] :]

  20. ioana says:

    Woooow , Ana!

    Congratulation! All these dresses look amazing,the name of the collection is so cute and I am sure it will be a great succes for you and you will become famous. 🙂

    My favourites are the first and the third 😀
    Can I make a post on my blog about your collection? Cause I really really loooove it! I will wait for your answer as soon as posible. 🙂
    Have a lovely day!

    P.S. Nu ne dai si niste preturi estimative? 😀


  21. Daiane says:

    yaaay! finally 😀 i already knew some from FB but it is SO great to see them all here, in one place!

    my fav must be the black one styled with a golden belt. yes, it’s <3! xx

  22. congrats, the dresses are stunning. can’t wait to see the others. you did an amazing job and they look fabulous!

  23. ioana says:

    the post about the lovely collection is ready! 🙂
    check it out:


  24. Leah says:

    Ana, I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I love love love the way you put together your outfit ensembles. These dresses are divine and congratulations on your new line of dresses–they’re beautiful!

  25. Cris says:

    frumoase rochitele. preferata mea e cea verde 🙂

  26. janettaylor says:

    U are a fashionable nimfa, dearest Ana!

    Happy Sunday!

  27. omg!!! i do love them so musch!
    my favorite is the first black and the first beige and i would like to buy the black

  28. Wow.. awesome dresses! <3

  29. Sincer, nu pot spune care din ele imi place cel mai mult, pentru ca toate sunt grozave! Love them all! and congrats! I`ve been waiting them for so long 🙂

  30. Constance says:

    Wow, they are all amazing! They all look so dramatic and beautiful on you. xxx

  31. Dena says:

    darling big congrats to this amazing collection. I truly love each piece, esp the pink maxi.


  32. Jasmin says:

    Wow! gorgeous dresses!
    they are all lovely!

  33. kirstyb says:

    loving all these looks xxxx

  34. Anthea says:

    These are absolutely beautiful Ana! Well done! The black ones are my favourites.

    Embracing Style

  35. Da e cald, si cam toti fug de caldura in perioada asta

    Rochiile sunt superbe, grozava treaba cu blogul;)


  36. Dip-tea says:

    thats a gorgeous collection you got there Ana. simple flowy and so summery. love it !!

  37. Anonymous says:

    I love those dresses they remind me of a natural kind of simple beauty that one can find in nature.I hope those dresses are available in the U.S.:)

  38. I am loving a few of these….is the 70 in Euro? I am in the US.

    laviejaime {at}

  39. afreckledlip says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for checking out my blog!

  40. pj says:

    love the necklace paired with the last dress 🙂

  41. Te urmaresc de ceva timp si vreau sa iti spun ca faci o treaba minunata. Rochiile sunt dementiale!

  42. Robyn says:

    Stunning photographs! If I had to pick I would say that the first pink one is my favorite.

  43. michelle_ says:

    a looonngggg but SUPERRRR beautiful post ! im really loving the maxi cut dresses. and those frills on the asymmetrical shoulder cut designs.. my favorite has to be the brown maxi dress one ! its sooo pretty and reminds me of those greek goddesses !

    well done ana !

  44. Thank you ever so much for your comment!

    Your blog and pictures are just so so so incredibly gorgeous!

  45. knk says:

    wow long dress looks awesome i really like it

    great pics

  46. Marla Singer says:

    such a beautiful collection of dresses! they’re all gorgeous and you represent them in amazing way! congrats for this fab numbers, Ana! so proud of you <333

  47. misslikey says:

    adore all of these dresses.
    i am in love

  48. Gorgeous gowns, darling!
    Would love to review one on Couture Carrie. Are you giving out any samples?
    Please contact me at Thanks!


  49. Tinja says:

    Good for you! You have made your dream come true, I’m glad for you! And the dresses are really beautiful and ethereal. Great job!

  50. Oana Roxana says:

    Felicitari,Ana! Cea neagra,cu maneci e de departe preferata mea.Mult succes! 😉

  51. Oana Roxana says:

    Felicitari,Ana! Cea neagra,cu maneci e de departe preferata mea.Mult succes! 😉

  52. paige says:

    wow. these pieces are absolutely stunning. i must have!! how much do they cost USD??

    barefoot & vintage

  53. youniform says:

    all the dresses are amazing…. the pink one is really beautiful…and I liked the match with the flowers… =)

  54. Ana says:

    thank you so so much:)

    I’m so glad you guys love the dresses:)

  55. Ana bravooooooooooo!!! eu nu sunt mare fana lycra,dar maxi-rochia galbena(verde?) arata foarte bine in lycra!!! Deci bravo again!


  56. Lili says:

    esti minunata…nu pot sa-mi dezlipesc ochii de pe blogul tau…

  57. lovelyyy dresses!! imi plac la nebunie si adevarat graiesti cand spui ca stilul lui audrey hephburn este acum accesibil!
    debea astept sa vad urmatoarele minunatii Snobbish Breakfast!

    p.s. cat costa lanturile aurii?

  58. Ana says:

    Lili thank you so much:)

    thank you to all of you:*

  59. *speechless*
    love the dress so much! wish you luck for your store! 😉

    Castor Pollux

  60. Keira says:

    These are stunning! I love every single one of them. The colors, the cuts, everything.

  61. I am TOTALLY in love with these dresses! You have a fashion blogger willing to proudly display them ANYTIME — feel free to contact me if you’re interested!


  62. Mika says:

    Felicitari! Sunt foarte frumoase rochiile!

  63. ♔Reyna♔ says:

    wow! these are so beautiful! I love them all and would sooo wear them all! and yes, I’d be that snobbish person with those beautiful dresses at IHOP! haha.
    Check out my latest post on the dress I wore to my military formal last night b/c I so would have wished I could have worn that last black dress! or the lime one! gorgeous! what are the prices in dollars?


  64. Iulia says:

    Buna.Vreau sa iau legatura cu tine. Cum putem face. Vreau o rochie 😀

    Iti multumesc,


  65. Iulia says: e adresa mea de e-mail.

    Astept un raspuns. Multumesc,


  66. Anonymous says:

    Hey – I am certainly delighted to discover this. great job!

  67. Ana Ciorici says:

    Aceste rochii sunt pur si simplu minunate..mai simple si mai stilate nu am vazut :)))) sper mult ca degraba le aduceti in Chisinau 🙂

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