No, I’m never leaving my phone out of sight. Now, with this cleared out let’s see what we have on the daily agenda…
Ah, yes, today, dear class, we will speak about the “love topic” ( to be read with a Russian accent).
No, not the love you feel for your the ones close to your heart, we’ll leave that topic to others more evolved than us, we are going to speak about the love we feel for things!
It’s a fact, I love things – I’m a jewelry whore, I own 84 skirts and I daily feel the urge to admire them, I adore my house and it’s a constant work in progress cause everyday I find new decoration objects that I can’t resist to buy (it’s a disease). So, with this being a constant reality of my life, I started thinking…
Why do we love and get attached to the things we own? Further more, why is this considered shallowness by the egg headed crowds ?
From my point of view, labeling people as shallow or frivolous based only on the fact that they are fashion lovers or “things” lovers is the real shallowness.
Well, since I’m not a psychologist, I cannot speak in your name but here’s a conclusion based on my own experience, I love things because they don’t have the means to disappoint me (except for you, little Tom Binns bracelet, when you broke my heard broke too) and as a person who appreciates beauty and has some little aesthetic sense, I like to surround myself with beautiful objects.
After all, it’s a natural result of the evolution process of a capitalist society. I for one, I love eating from Villeroy and Boch china not from a plastic plate. And making a virtue out of the fact that you don’t it only reveals bitterness not intellectualism. So does vice versa (a Baccarat glass at the end of the day is just a glass not a Delacroix painting, don’t hyperventilate if it breaks for God’s sake). It should be a matter of moderation both ways.
Do you think Eliade spent his days in a poor attic floor by choice or by force?
I rest my case.
I hope you’ve seen by now the latest issue of Cockaigne.
This number is dedicated to mystery stories and the horror genre along with many interesting facts like the correspondence between Danielle Steel and Stephen King (I never heard of it before, Rose Red was the closest I ever got to any kind of horror movie and I was born in the Weisberger chick lit era, hmmm, I have to read something Danielle wrote though…yep, I’m a chick lit fan, crucify me!)
So click, click, click, kittens.
Oh, and if you are wondering (like I stupidly did for 7 minutes, I’m slow) the person from the cover is a guy. This being cleared out now I wonder who is it? Hmm
Also, don’t forget to enter and win the Snobbish Breakfast dress!
Hasta Luego.
You are amazing!!! I have been reading your Blog for a while now and I love it. Great outfit and gorgeous shoes!
I love that skirt!! 😀
And I know what you mean! Just because we love clothes and accessories doesn’t make us shallow. What if we said people who love books are shallow? Or people who love anything else for that matter….so annoying, hahaha
You look fantastic, Ana! This outfit is so beautiful!!
And I agree with you about loving things! I’m a shoe lover: they always serve me, even if I gain or lose weight! lol!
Esti superba!Fusta si pantofii sunt WOW!
De ce scrii doar in engleza?Stiu ca uneori unele lucruri suna mai bine spuse(scrise) in engleza insa … cred ca ar da bine si postul scris in romana si in engleza! 🙂
Hmmm…You do make a point there! Ha! Regardless we seem to be on the same page. Amazing!
wonderful lady !!!!!!!!
I usually follow you blog and facebook but don’t really have time to comment (sorry for that btw 🙂 )
but today I am in awe of your skirt! It’s to die for! 😀
E superba 🙂 imi place mai ales nonsalanta cu care o porti 😀
is that ‘tail’ at the back coming from the blouse? yes, love the skirt and everything else, but mostly the words 🙂
loving things is never wrong, if you choose the right ones.
Good point! U are WONDERFUL, SMART and COOL! Go girl!
Deci…despre outfit:
Imi place la nebunie cum cade bluza peste fusta in partea din spate…Extrem de originala ideea si outfit-ul per ansamblu.
Despre revista:
Era cat pe ce sa nu-l reunosc pe Alex M. in acel pictorial…E demential.Super teme, super articole si exceptionale shootong-uri. Felicitari tuturor.
Acum ma pun sa o studiez mai amanuntit.
Kiss ya!
Buna! din ce material este facuta fusta? mersi :*
nice and cool information about Beautiful and Stylish jewelery
OMG! Uggs AND chick lit?! how can you get up in the morning?! just kidding, my dear, you are simply perfect! loooooooove the skirt & blazer!
That skirt is amazing! Lovely weekend! XO Rebecca
I’m in love in this outfit!:))
however, you are aware that it’s not safe for your health to drink daily from baccarat glasses, right ? 🙂
enjoyably me,
So lovely! Such a fantastic look, the skirt is amazing..especially how you styled it!
Be Frassy