LooksLiving Art
31 December 2013 / By / 24 Comments

She is the BEST


You know, the Avengers, Marvel‘s heroes? What? Did you think that because I wear skirts and act like a lady like prick I wouldn’t be the type? Mind you that The Avengers had a serious contribution to me acting and living  exactly how I feel.

I realized it again yesterday when I had to spend 18 hours on the plane and watched the 2012 movie about them. Growing up watching how normal people (with special powers or just extremely smart – Iron Man) do great things, save the world or bring a better change in peoples lives. I concluded that this is the kinda of healthy standard to be implemented in our brains while growing up.


beautiful countess

Perfect Countess

Smiling Morodan

Morodan is awesomee

Morodan is amazinggg

Morodan looking awesome

She's awesome

Our perfect CountessI am wearing an M.Marquise dress, Louboutin heels and vintage bracelets

© Serban Cristea



Marvel‘s characters made me wanna change the world. Sure, after the 4th grade I realized that I will not be able to fly soon and I’m not such a bright fighter at my karate classes either so changing the world  began to have other proportions in my mind. Like for example, making people feel confident about their powers, making them beat their limits and become successful in what they want.

One of the purposes of this blog is inspiring women to be confident, to feel empowered and beautiful, to trust themselves and fight for what they want in life. Every message from you guys telling  me that I’ve succeeded in doing that makes me feel like a hero, a hero of my own life.

I may be a dreamer but I’m not the only one so to speak, because I see lots of young people who struggle to make their dreams come true, who go beyond their limits to become the hero of their own lives.  Andreea Mia the owner of  M.Marquise is one of the brightest examples I’ve ever met.

This young woman has an immense creativity, she developed a strategical plan for her band and works 18 hours per day. She is a force of nature and I’m not exaggerating a bit. M.Marquise is a premium brand loved by so many of our tv stars, a brand that became a leader in the evening wear scene all under Andreea’s supervision.

In 2014 I plan to present all these young people who work hard for what they want. They are real inspirational characters. Marvel should make a comic about them also, a?



At midnight a new year starts, I wish you guys to be optimistic and positive and remember that you are the hero of your own life. You have the power to be whatever you want. Maybe Marvel won’t make you thick but find what inspires you and start believing and fighting for your own story!


Ana says



An. M.Marquise for a day, Anette de Morodanette

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  1. anaivilo says:

    Happy New Year dear! I hope you had the best of time there! 😀
    Gorgeous dress you are wearing here 😉

  2. Passion for Fashion says:

    i swear there is nothing less to say than “you are sooooo inspiring!”
    it is the end of the year and i am preparing for new hard working one, your post today speaks about true power of determination and concentration, and especially confidence, and and i love that, thank you for being so super human ana <3

  3. carmen says:

    te ador! n-as fi crezut niciodata ca un blog ma poate determina sa “for for it” dar chiar asa e. iar rochia ta gri este splendida <3 ador faptul ca ai accesorizat-o cu trandafiri

  4. ioana toma says:

    frumos mesaj 🙂 si tie fel ana!

  5. Chic&Chic says:

    Love the dress! Happy Successful New Year!

  6. Alina Anghel says:

    Oh, the dress is more than beautiful. But your attitude is everything!

  7. Nico says:

    foarte cool add-ul pentru smiling shoes :)))) love the outfit si mood-ul e perfect pentru inceputul de an, pentru mine e perrrrfect! muah!

  8. avram marinela says:

    feminitatea, increderea si forta ta sunt minunate <3

  9. Luca Maria Ionescu says:

    ce frumooooos ! LA MULTI ANI ANA ! pantofii tai sunt atat de frumosi, si rochia nu mai zic!

  10. Fusta Bunicii says:

    hehehe, intr-un fel am putea spune “i still belieeve” (stii, era un vers intr-un cantec). da, inteleg atat de bine ce vrei sa spui 🙂 let’s be super heroes darling!

  11. TEO says:

    love the look!

  12. Die Style says:

    now that was emotional, filled me with joy and will to work hard for what i want <3 thank you ana, really, thank you for your wonderful energy

  13. Ralucuta says:

    <3 <3 <3 M. Marquise

  14. marinescu sonia says:

    hmmmm interesanta poveste, dar pana la urma, de ce nu? cred ca asa chiar am fi mai fericiti. cool.

  15. Tragic Fashion Style says:

    great one today! look + words! love ya!

  16. LuLu says:

    one of the things i want to do the year to come is to work so hard and be inspiring to others, so i hope to join this super hero club? :)))))) adore the dress look swell on you

  17. alex says:

    nu pot sa nu ma intreb de unde gasesti atata energie si atata putere? cateodata nu imi iese, dar recunosc ca ajuta sa citesc un mesaj atat de pozitiv. La multi Ani!

  18. Dianaaa says:

    aaaahhhh ce romantice sunt fotografiile de astazi…un vis frumos…

  19. Chicest Ladies Alive says:

    that’s it dear! that is the attitude! totally loved your words <3 <3 thank you for an inspiring year!

  20. Sorina says:

    Un an nou cat mai frumos draga Ana! Tie si lui Serban! Tot ce va doriti sa sa implineasca, caci de starea ta de bine depind atat de multe dintre noi…:-)
    Te imbratisez cu drag si iti multumesc pentru pasiunea cu care ne relatezi aproape zilnic despre viata ta frumoasa! Happy New Year!

  21. Carmen says:

    te ador! n-as fi crezut niciodata ca un blog ma poate determina sa “go for it” dar chiar asa e. iar rochia ta gri este splendida <3 ador faptul ca ai accesorizat-o cu trandafiri

  22. Andy says:

    Foarte reusite poze…sper ca vi-a placut frumoasa noastra Oradea 🙂

  23. Superba! Rochia este incredibila 🙂

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