Here`s a story I loved putting it in scene. When Lamonza contacted me asking me if I`ve ever owned one of their suitcases my answer was `yes`! I still own one and it has been my confident partner ever since a few years ago when on a winter evening I boarded a plane to move to Bucharest.
I don`t know how you feel about it but for me Lamonza is just like Rom Chocolate or Magura cake. An evergreen item that reminds me of a moment in time when something meaningful happened in my life. You know, it has always been there, before me growing into a snobbish brat and discovering other brands.
This weekend Serban and I escaped the city for the mountains. And so, my recreation of a long time adventure I lived with this suitcase brand started…
It was in 2008, I was not dressed like a mad demoiselle as today but in the wilderness, as today, with this suitcase, getting to my friends lodge. The trouble was that I had told the driver who was supposed to get me there to leave me near another lodge. I`ve mixed things up and ended at 10 km far from the place I should have been.
Phoned my friends but no one answered so after a few minutes of waiting and no car passing I decided to walk there. Carrying my bag with me. There`s no success on a bumpy road for a midget with a suitcase.
My salvation was a man who was ridding his horse and offered to give me a lift. On it`s horse…
I am wearing a Clara Rotescu dress, Louboutin heels and AEP earrings
Photos by Serban Cristea at Popasul Craiului– National Park Piatra Craiului
Long story short, I had to choose between my luggage or me because the horse was not going to carry both of us. He was afraid of me carrying the suitcase on him.
And here`s me in front of this 2 options:
Option 1 – to leave the suitcase there, get on the horse, arrive at the lodge and return after my suitcase.
– Ohh, but my things? What if someone will steal my luggage?! Out of the question!
Option 2 – Carry the luggage on the horse and me walking beside it
– But 10 km by foot? A couch potato like me? Ok, fine, as long as I have my luggage with me…
And after 3 hours, I`ve made it. I have arrived at the lodge, with my luggage and stuff intact, with a nerve wrecked horse and a horse owner who said he can`t wait to tell this happening to his grandparents.
So yes, I am fond of my Lamonza luggage. I am fond of all the memories I lived with it and I am never giving it up for good not for a million other shiny suitcases.
Ana von Banana
Ana, esti sensationala! Iar pozele facute de Serban le recunosti dintr-o mie. Graiesc!
Ador pozele, rochia e minunata!! Calul e de vis <3
That is one huuuuge horse!!!!
Love the dress! So sexy!
Vai, imi amintesc ca imi doream o valiza ca asta cand eram micuta! Acum am 5, in culori diferite :))
cool suitcase love the color. Mine is yellow
Great photos! Love them!
superba rochia! Gone with the wind- ish 🙂
:)) the midget on the horse is one of the coolwst photos of you!
Vaaaa, Lamonza! Le ador! Raportul calitate pret e excelent iar culorile minunate
you look amazing in red!
splendida rochia, iar pantofii sunt to die for!
horses are amazing creatures! you should take riding lessons, I guarantee you will love them!
superbe fotografiile! iar tu arati minunat pe cal 🙂
sa vezi cum e sa fii la 10km de destinatie, fara masina si cu o ploiae rece si marunta :)) the horror! si nu, nici eu nu mi-as fi lasat valiza pentru nimic in lume!
superbi cerceii!
Lovely scenery and amazing photos!
rochia e absolut minunata si cred ca decolteul o face atat de speciala 😉
Imi amintesc si acum cat de greu mi a fost sa renunt la valiza din facultate. Facuse sute de drumuri cu trenul si vazuse si vreo 4 tari. Tot o Lamonza
:)) parca te vad abandonata pe marginea drumului. Funny story
ce exemplar frumos! Absolut superb!
Love the photos! You look amazing!
Stii care e problema cu valizele astea lucioase si frumoase? Angajatii de la aeroport care le arunca pe banda! De fiecare data cand vad asa o frumusete maltratata sunt in pragul unei crize!
great characters in the photos! Like a movie poster
intotdeauna mi au placut valizele colorate si a ta chiar e superba!
draguta povestea, da n as fi avut curaj not on a million years sa ma urc pe cal!
Ador dantela, mai ales cea rosie! Iar condurii sunt minune!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️