Life Update Nr. 736489 – Under My UMBRELLA

LooksLiving Art
11 July 2016 / By / 10 Comments

Pas du Tout dress – Smiling Shoes ballerinas


Oh nothing much today, just wanted to brag about THIS AWESOME UMBRELLA, for which I begged my friend Beatrice for a whole year. Well, today was THE DAY. inima-albastru


Nope, I don’t care that it looks like a cabbage, Claudiu! I 9b it for eternity!!!


Au revoirrrrr, see you manana





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  1. Anamaria says:

    Cred ca ti-am mai spus, dar iti ador balerinii <3

  2. July says:

    All black outfit, designer items & peonies. All my favourite things in one shot.

  3. Andreea Iuliana Ferent says:

    Ce simpatica esti nemachiata!

  4. Oana Lupascu says:

    Love the pop of colour you added with the peonies 🙂

  5. Ana Banana says:

    Chiar ai cu ce sa te mandresti, e minunata umbrela 🙂

  6. miumiu says:

    iti iubesc acesti balerini 😀

  7. marlene says:

    Hahahaha Claudiu is hilarious :))) it really doesn’t look like a cabbage, the umbrella is gorgeous!

  8. Minnie says:

    Now that’s one fabulous way to face rainy days 🙂

  9. MoroFan says:

    You look beautiful ♥

  10. Alina Flavia says:

    Pana si tinutele tale mai casual sunt superbe :O

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