Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset
29 February 2016 / By / 17 Comments

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset



Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 presetM.Marquise kimono

Photos by Alexandru Rosieanu


We are one day away. And when I recall all the situations I lived with this app I feel like a Tenenbaum in Murphy`s World.


Ever since two years ago, when Corina Nagacevschi called me to tell me about an app I could develop, I said NO. Like NO to her first four emails. My first meeting with her was an accident, I was thinking that I`m going to meet another Corina, from a beauty spa and accidently I replyed to this Corina`s email and got her address. Can you imagine? Me sitting in the meeting room and expecting someone to come and talk to me about beauty procedures. Next thing I know there were four people talking about apps. Well, I said it`s a sign and finally agreed.

My app was ready in a month. Then I had like at least 10 launch dates and months. And each time something needed to be handled urgently. EVERY-fucking-TIME. It was like the universe was saying something.


Until a few weeks ago, when indeed, I woke up one day and knew that this is the right time. We`re one day away until the Morodan App will be live. And like my blog, my shop, our offices and showroom, this is another project which is a first around here and one that I am extremely proud of.. I`m delighted, and also anxious to see your reaction – no really, cause you always give me good feedback – and I can`t wait to tell you all about it tomorrow. In a video ca e mult de povestit 6b


Thank you App Center for your ideas, strategies and professionalism. And for putting up with one little idiot. You are my heroes.



Tic tac

 be-splendid-semnatura 1






Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Veronica007 says:

    the videooooo, Loveeeeee it!!!!!!

  2. margareta f. says:

    Cred ca destinul a vrut sa-ti trimita un mesaj, si anume acela ca trebuie sa faci acest app. Ma bucur tare si abia astept sa vad ce-a vrut sa ne arate destinul noua, tuturor 🙂

  3. Patri says:

    pozele sunt superbe

  4. Miss Vixen says:

    The Cruella hair is back? I was such a fan 😉

  5. Carolina says:

    Minunata povestea, de altfel asa sunt toate povestile legate de tine 🙂 mult succes maine

  6. laura stoian says:

    felicitari si mult succes pentru maine! sunt sigura ca va fi amazing

  7. Daria says:

    Love that kimono, and the wallpaper to match 😉

  8. Stephanie Marcu says:

    Morodan Corporation coming soon, I can feel it. And I wish I could be a part of your amazing world

  9. Maria Ioana says:

    Sper ca include si ceva shopping ca altfel mor pe loc. Cu recomandari pentru fiecare tip de silueta, fix asa mi-o imaginez

  10. liza says:

    fingers crossed, darling <3

  11. Mihaela Berinde says:

    Mor de curiozitate, abia astept s-o vad. Oare merge dupa 12 noaptea????? 😀

  12. Larissa says:

    Wow, cum arati in kimonoul asta!

  13. elenab says:

    simt ca va fi video cu lacrimi :)))) si va fi minunat

  14. Andreea Maria Florescu says:

    Bravo, bravo, bravo! Sa fie de invidiat, ca toate proiectele tale de pana acum 🙂

  15. Cristina S. says:

    TODAY is the BIG DAY <3
    LOVE YOU !

  16. Mimi says:

    E geniala, iar videoul de multumire e asa de draguuuuuuut

  17. Madalina Dinu says:

    Foarte, foarte cool, felicitari din inima

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