LooksLiving Art
29 August 2012 / By / 13 Comments
Snobbish Breakfast dress, Zara belt, vintage earrings
©  Serban Cristea
Snow White. The pure and kind Snow White… We all know her story. We all dreamed of being in her shoes and be rescued by the handsome prince.
Well, since I’m special (not) I always dreamed to having lots of dwarfs to take care of me and do my hair. I love witches and blue, red and white as an outfit combination are not my fav colors.
But you know how I love to rewrite a good, old fairytale. And finding this wonderful world of cuteness shop was the right way to do it. Me, being dressed like a glam witch in that same moment was a God’s gift. Ha!

We had tremendous fun.

Anyways, moving on.
I’m sure you people remember Gabriela Vlad. The initiator of all things cool in Bucharest. The first who made a vintage fair here. It was called “My Grandma’s Backyard“, remember?
She set the standard for all things urban cultural and I love her warrior spirit. She is not the “let’s play the nice and polite PR shit”, she’s straight forward and very, very fashionable. Well, again, not the cute fashion shit. Pour les connoisseurs mes amis, pour les connoisseurs…
Now, she has a brand of creative accessories called “I am CIUDAT” and her collars are out of this world (I am in loveeee!)
Because she lives in Italy she wants you to know that she did not forget about you are her mission to make you fashionable in the right way. That’s why she is giving away an amazingly romantic collar to you guys.
Here’s what you have to do:
LIKE and SHARE  the I am CIUDAT album on Facebook
Follow High Street Cardigans with Google Friend Connect 
Follow High Street Cardigans with Instagram (if you have it)
And tell us in a comment you contacts and with what would you wear it.
Two weeks from now, it can be yours!
See? I make you gifts! Told you it’s cool when an evil witch loves you.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

(P) Contesele antreprenoare se răcoresc cu Mentol
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Ce-si genereaza omul cu organismul lui, COLAGEN bun se numeste
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  1. este ceeeeel mai tare shooting pe care l-am vazut eu pana acum!!! I love it to bits!!

  2. Anaivilo says:

    Haha, that photo with you and the witch is genius! 😀 Love it;)

  3. Miki says:

    FB name: Silvia Mihaela Nastrut


  4. Deiusk says:

    FB: Andreia Barabas
    GFC: deiusk
    L-as purta cu un pulover roz pal de angora si o pereche de jeansi scurti aspect used.

  5. Not entering the giveaway just wanted to let you know that you look incredible!

    ~Natasha Fatah~

  6. Catalina says:

    Ana, you are simply awesome! 🙂

  7. georgi says:

    stunning pictorial!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I love the 3rd picture. You are so damn beautiful.

  9. Oana says:

    GFC: Oana
    FB: Oana Catalina
    I don’t have Instagram.

    I would wear this pretty collar with a simple, sheer shirt, a preppy skirt and a pair of boots to add some contrast.

    email: oana [dot] catalyna [at] yahoo [dot] com

  10. Pitik says:

    FB: Raluca Marinescu
    l-as purta cu un tricou bleu si o fusta maxi vaporoasa alba

  11. Murmu says:

    GFC: Murmu
    FB: Raluca Murmu
    Gulerasul l-as purta cu puloverul meu verde mint, pantaloni peach si mocasini maro, acessorizat cu o brosa la mijloc:D

  12. This is the most bad-ass photo shoot ever.

  13. criss says:

    guerasu ar fi perfect cu rochia mea neagra cu bulinite albe din viscoza ….si pantofi mocasini piele galbena:)

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