LooksLiving Art
27 August 2012 / By / 3 Comments
M12 blouse, Rhea Costa necklace – shop them on MOLECULE F, Romanian traditional skirt
Thank you Serban for helping me immortalize this outfit and those moments.

It is said that today is Monday. I wouldn’t know that cause for the past four days I lived in places where time has a different notion.
I told you a few weeks ago, that I started visiting some castles and palaces around our country. I’m still doing that and my city breaks are becoming longer each time.
I’m cooking, walking, reading, wowing at Castles, wowing when hearing their stories and meeting people who smile sincerely.
It’s still Moday, so it’s MORODAN day on Molecule F 
I loved this M12 blouse paired with this statement necklace from Rhea Costa. Two faces of the same romanticism.
You can find them on Molecule F
I’m very proud of my skirt. I bought it from Sibiu, from an old lady who sells authentic Romanian outfits and it’s typical for the popular outfits worn in this area of our country.
I have to go now and pick some grapes from the garden, dressed in Dior. 
Au Revoir.
The last part it’s a joooke, stop being outraged.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Emanuel I. says:

    Bluza e cu acest design sau ai stilizat-o tu?
    Imi place la nebunie.
    Te pupacesc si-l felicit pe Serban pentru rabdare.

  2. Anonymous says:

    where are the shoes from?

  3. Ana says:

    Zara 🙂

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