The Powerpuff Girls and a Crazy Person

Morodan TV
29 July 2016 / By / 14 Comments
 The Powerpuff  Girls
Three Mega Stars of the Season


Overwhelmed by the huge attention they received at the launch of their newest series (81 millions of fans interact with the Powerpuff Girls on multiple platforms) , they stopped by the M office for an outfit review.



Do you think I was a little bit over the top?  


The new Powerpuff Girls episodes from this series are now on Cartoon Network from Monday to Friday at 4.05 pm.


Girls, you were divine! You didn’t say a thing, but sometimes silence can mean more than words. 8bYes, I’m both hysterical AND Dalai Lama. 



Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. Pink Queen says:

    Hahahahha, this made my morning!

  2. Patty says:

    Desenele copilariei mele <3

  3. Livia Pecherle says:

    Powerpuff ca powerpuff, dar cerceii aia sunt THE BOMB

  4. Dutu says:

    Vai, Ana, daca si saracele powepuff trebuie sa fie fashionable noi ce ne facem? :)))

  5. Olivia Marcu says:

    Rochia galbena e de la Morodan Shop? :X

  6. Morofan says:

    Looking gorgeous, as always!

  7. Manuella says:

    Noi te iubim, asa nebuna cum esti!! <333333

  8. allyna says:

    haahahaha “grej”, ce tare e animatia :))))

  9. mimi says:

    Bubbles e preferata mea!

  10. Ariciul says:

    Powerpuff Girls, am uitat de ele! We had the coolest childhood <3

  11. Alexa Paros says:

    Ce simpatice sunt 🙂 Imi plac graficile

  12. Elvis cu Pene says:

    :))))))) esti nebuna Morodan, clar!

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