God Claude is my witness that Petra was on my yearly travel list for a while now. Each time I saw an Instagram pic from Petra or Wadi Rum my heart ake a bit. I don’t think I ever told you but I have this weird attraction for deserts. I find them seductive & magnetic. And I grew up with stories about lost cities and magic so naturally that Petra, Atlantis, Kalahari or El Dorado are all very mesmerizing to me.
This January one of my biggest travel dreams was about to come to life just like that, by opening an email from Prestige Tours. And in my characteristic way of organizing things, I talked about it for weeks but did my luggage two hours before leaving for the airport. Yes, I’m a luggage procrastinator. I think I’ll be like this until my dying day. Such an idiot.
Anyways, thank God for Claude cause I was so, so SUREEE that the plane leaves on Sunday. So Saturday I went in some of my romantic voyages through the city being relaxed that I have one more day to pack. Well, at least he called me around 7 pm to let me know that around 9 pm I should pick him us to leave for the airport. In that moment I was gin tonic-ing with my friends telling them how thrilled I am that I am leaving the next day for Jordan. THE NEXT DAY. Well never mind. I made it. A dozen outfits short but I’ve made it.
If you follow me on social media you already saw some of our adventures. Jordan is… overwhelming. Yes, this is the right word: Overwhelming. And not just because of Queen Rania but also because of the people who are extremely friendly, the places which leave you breathless and the luxurious resorts filled with Instagramble places. Yesss, I know you care. But what really left me in awe was the Great Wadi Rum & Petra. Nonetheless the desert camps which you might think lack comfort. Wrong! The tents are a very cool version of any 5 star hotel.
Wadi Rum leaves you with a feeling of greatness and eternity, of peace and serenity, of balance and magic. Just like a wise energy which makes you look at the bigger picture. I am sure that I will never forget the desert ride with the cars, the outstanding sunset, the dunes & most importantly, the desert people, living a very simple life. When you meet them, when you see how little they have and need to be happy, it hits you: How useless are most of the things we work so hard to own. How easy is to be fulfilled and at peace with oneself . And how blind we, urban people are.
Did you know that Lawrence of Arabia (is face is the one carved in the stone – see below) & Star Wars were filmed here? Oh, and The Martian also. And Indiana Jones. And The Mummy Returns. And Transformers.
If you decide to access a travel option from Prestige Tours you’ll see that you have a Wadi Rum trip included. It’s worth it! BELIEVE ME!
And this is how you get to The Treasury – THE iconic place from Petra you see all over the internet – through a crack in the cliffs. The entrance in Petra is through a canyon, then you walk like a mile or two through cliffs and mountains and without knowing, through one of those cracks, you walk just in front of History!
Words are not enough to describe my enthusiasm. Claude was nerve wrecked by my fussing and overexcited shouting.
Petra was a commercial city built over 3000 years ago by the Nabataeans as a not between China, Greece, Rome and India. It was also a cultural point of the world back then since so many nationalities were passing thorough Petra at the time. If you ask me you need one full day to visit everything in Petra. Although the city was buried in an earthquake in the fourth century and discovered in 1812, what they have manage to dig until not is outstanding and impressive. You’ll not be alone so don’t be scared. Like of the wilderness I mean, because Jordan is one of the safest countries I have ever visited. Not exaggerating. And guess what? At Petra you find little desert boutiques (?!) and of course, like a true shopaholic I spent money on: amber (which became my new perfume, everybody asks me what I’m wearing) & myrrh (which keeps the bad energies away from #theMoffice).
Did you know Petra was included in the 7 Wonders of The New World list?
You can stay in a Spa Resort from The Dead Sea – even if you are a tiny beauty addict like me, you know that the Dead Sea treatments and products do wonders for your complexion – and it’s not just beauty, it’s also very, very effective for your health. Actually, at the Dead Sea was the first ever health resort in the world. Did you knew at the Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth? So the energy does its trick alsooo.
And when you think about that Jordan is only a three hour flight away. And while you go for adventures in the desert, you can also stop by a few relaxing days at The Read Sea. In Aqaba there’s a magnificent resort rising, Ayla Resort. At Ayla you’ll find seaside zones, spas, a golf course, bistros and restaurants, shops and some of the most beautiful seaside apartments I have even seen. Ohh, and did I mention the artificial Ayla islands and lagoons?
Ohh, and I haven’t told you anything about Amman yet. Now that I think about it, all Jordan makes you feel that you’re in a quest of unveiling the Ancient World’s deepest secrets.
Dear Jordan,
You’ll always have my heart! And your heart? The part of it you gave to me…I will always carry it in my heart! Forever!
Foarte frumos! Petra e pe lista mea de vacante.
Catifeaua rosie in peisajul ala selenar arata magnific
You’re like Dora The Explorer <3
Ceea ce vad in fotografiile tale mi se pare superb. sunt curioasa totusi cat de safe e sa calatoresti in Iordania?
Sa stii ca Da! N-am avut nici o problema, nici macar nu s-a uitat nimeni la noi urat, din cotra, foarte zambitori si prietenosi au fost inclusiv oamenii pe strada 🙂
Pare o destinatie minunata pentru zilele noastre reci de iarna. Chiar eram in cautare de inspiratie pentru vacanta. Merci! :*
AMAZING <3 <3 <3
ce locuri frumoase, cred ca costa ceva…
Orice costa daca mergi pe big spender mode 🙂 If not, e chiar affordable as spune 🙂
Ce culori, ce decoruri! sunt realmente fascinata de cultura orientala si cred ca Iordania e o zona minunata de descoperit.
Cand am deschis articolul, chiar ma gandeam daca o sa ne vorbesti de incence-uri. :)) Eu am fost plecata in Oman tot in ianuarie si am descoperit acolo ambra, smirna si oudh-ul. Miros fantastic si creeaza o dispozitie excelenta in casa. <3
Wow.. m-ai lasat fara cuvinte…
Imi place mult ce vad. Mi-ar placea sa ajung acolo odata
Cred ca v-ati distrat pe cinste! Ai fost cu Claude si Tudy?
Yes :)) <3
Ana, vestigiile alea de la Petra se pot si vizita? Tu ai intrat in ele?
Da, am scris! Sa mergi! Merita!!! <3
Am fost in Iordania cu ceva timp in urma. Locurile sunt minunate. Ma bucur ca ti-a placut si tie. Eu am fost impresionata si m-as intoarce oricand. Ati mancat Zarb?
Da! Si eu m-as intoarce negresit! <3
Hope you enjoy Jordan! Thank you for this beautiful & cool review. <3
Magarusii aia sunt tare simpatici. :))
Trebuie sa va fi distrat pe cinste in aceasta calatorie. Pare ca a fost o experienta memorabila.
Zilele trecute am vazut un material despre domurile de lux din Wadi Rum. Aratau foarte cool.
Ati dormit si voi acolo? 😀
Great post and phots! x
Superb! Pentru cateva minute m-am simtit acolo…