The Conversation All Ladies Should Have At least Once Per Year

Beauty Culture
13 November 2017 / By / 10 Comments

 Raluca Badulescu x Mineli boots – Italian Vintage bag – Ludique gloves 



I’ve noticed this whole fuss about one topic which I find…natural and not at all tabu. There’s also a campaign which, if you ask me, is funny and smart and meant to raise awareness. It’s just a marketing campaign done right, that yet again raised some eyebrows, among women and men as well.

In the era of empowerment, releasing a campaign that openly talks about women’s health issues should NOT be considered brave. It should be considered natural. Why would I need courage to speak about my health issues? Do I need to be brave to talk about a runny nose? NO! So why would I need to be brave to talk about my vaginal flora?

Courage is a resource I should use when the act of fighting against something has a direct impact on my safety. I should use courage when fighting against injustice ruffles the feathers of my corrupt leaders who use their influence to silence those who oppose them. I should use courage when I speak up about gold mining and I impact a few rich men’s lucrative venture that poisons communities of people that are so poor that they don’t even stand a chance.

But why should society be bothered about my yeast infection? Or yours? Why doesn’t anybody bat a lash when we see commercials for nose decongestion sprays and prostate pills?

Ladies, saying “vagina” in public is not something to be ashamed of! You can say it out loud V-A-G-I-N-A. Moreover, if your vagina has sensibilities like mine has (of course I do not touch public toilets but even so I take allergies!) it is only natural to want to discover products that help you! And it’s so much fun to discover them through campaigns and commercials which challenge you to feel something. Or even make you argue constructively.


Now, if I show you the picture with an Idelyn bought a few months ago and tell you that I’ve been using it ever since and that I’m satisfied, you’ll say I’m bluffing. But it’s a fact. And it’s always such a good vibe when I get to work with the brands and products I’ve been loyal to.

We’ve been raised in a society that teaches you that information is power. So why not get informed and have power when it comes to your own well-being? That’s the most valuable kind of power if you ask me – especially if you’re a woman.  Because intimate health is not a priority for us nowadays, or at least it seems like it’s not. We, as women in today’s society, focus on proving we’re equal to men. We hustle everything in our lives, from raising children, to having our own businesses, to being the perfect lover, friend, boss, etc. And while we’re (more often than not) doing this successfully, we tend to leave our wellbeing on the bottom of our to-do list. And it should be the other way around. Because giving proof of power to those around is should be way less important than our physical and mental health.


So, my dear lady friends, we are in this together and sometimes we tend to get caught in the “give me validation and give it to me now” roller coaster but we keep shouting, posting, saying, writing that WE MATTER. And before saying it to others we should say it first to ourselves. Until we get it into our heads. And into our V-A-G-I-N-A-S


However, I have one aspect which left me a bit bitter towards Idelyn’s campaign: WHY DO NONE OF THE LIPS WEAR MY SIGNATURE LIPSTICK AND BOB?!?!?! 5b






M-a izbit recent o dezbatere legata de un subiect care mi se pare mai degraba firesc decat tabu. Toata discutia s-a generat in jurul unei campanii de constientizare foarte simpatice si inteligente. Atat barbatii, cat si femeile au ridicat din spranceana.

Nu inteleg de ce in epoca in care avem puterea si libertatea sa vorbim dechis despre sanatatea noastra, multi isi astupa urechile cand aud un astfel de subiect. Nu ar trebui sa fie natural sa pot sa vorbesc despre sanatatea mea? Nu ar trebui sa fiu considerata curajoasa ca pot vorbi despre asta. Sau trebuie sa fiu curajoasa doar atunci cand  vorbesc despre cum stranut si am febra, sunt rapusa la pat de raceala si simt ca mor, iar Claude si Costri m-ar arunca intro rapa ca sa scape mai repede de mine? Oare de ce trebuie sa fiu coniderata brava atunci cand vorbesc despre vaginul meu?

Curajul e resursa mea atunci cand lupt impotriva a ceva ce impacteaza direct siguranta mea: cand lupt impotriva nedreptatii si ii “deranjez” pe liderii corupti care pot sa isi foloseasca influenta sa ma puna in pericol sau cand protestez impotriva extractiilor de aur (care distrug o comunitate ce nu poate lupta) si bifez un minus in cashflowurile catorva privilegiati.

Dar de ce e societatea deranjata de un posibil dezechilibru in flora mea bacteriana? Sau a ta? De ce nimeni nu are aceeasi reactie cand vede o reclama la mediamentele pentru prostata, de exemplu? 

Doamnelor, va incurajez sa vorbiti despre vaginele dumneavoastra fara nicio urma de rusine! Si daca vaginul vostru are sensibilitati similare cu al meu, de ce sa nu descoperim impreuna produsele care ne ajuta?

Folosesc Idelyn de cateva luni, de cand mi-a picat accidental in mana, dar probabil o sa spuneti ca blufez. Si ma bucura enorm ca am acest noroc sa lucrez mereu cu branduri in care realmente cred si carora le sunt loiala.

Mi se pare ca noi femeile trudim enorm sa demonstram ca suntem egale cu barbatii. Avem job, copii (poate voi, eu doar o pisica grasa, aka “Mona Lisa” Fitzgerald von Morodan), afaceri proprii, suntem partenere/iubite/prietene/sefe perfecte. Si in lista de prioritati, grija de sine cade tot mai jos. De fapt, ar trebui sa fie exact invers. Nu e nimic mai important decat sanatatea noastra psihica si fizica.

Asa ca, dragele mele, haideti sa ne lepadam de pudibonderie si de nevoia de validare si sa tipam “EU SUNT PRIMA”. Sa tipam internalizat totusi sa nu ne creada lumea (mai) nebune.

Totusi, am si eu ceva de reprosat legat de aceasta campanie. De ce niciun vagin nu are tunsoarea mea? 5b


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Ana Morodan
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  1. Carmen Popa says:

    Well said Ana! Well said! We should have more women like you around!

  2. Iunia Bunici says:

    I use Beliema also and I completely agree with raising such awareness

  3. Ilinca Beach says:

    Mi-a placut ce ai scris astazi! Si asa este, trebuie sa ne preocupe si sa vorbim si despre astfel de subiecte! Bravo Ana! You re constantly an inspiration! <3

  4. Miki says:

    This just made my day 🙂

  5. Miruna Manescu says:

    Hahahha, video-ul e foarte funny/educativ :))))

  6. Nigel Nigel Nigel says:

    Ai dreptate cu reclamele pentru problemele cu prostata (i scris pe facebook ) 🙂

  7. Pink Flamingo says:

    da, ne-am distrat azi la birou maxim. Foarte cool varianta cu buzele in video! Si au dreptate 😀

  8. Frumos! Bune puncte de vedere

  9. Floriana F says:

    Agree, one of the lips should have your hairdo! I’ll check Beliema when my current intimate wash runs out.

  10. Black Suit says:

    Ai dreptate! Asta e o discutie care ar trebuie sa ne preocupe si despre care ar trebui sa vorbim mai des!

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