There’s one thing that stuck with me a few months ago. It literally stuck in my daily schedule and I woke up one day realizing that a small yet important part of my life changed. And as much as I said that it gave me headaches in the past now I really feel it gives me pleasure and a state of feeling relaxed.
I am talking about the beauty routine. MY beauty routine.
Now, now, I know what you’re thinking: “Come on, don’t be a hypocrite, you are into fashion and lifestyle so you for sure must love beauty!”
Oh honey! Let’s get real. You know my signature makeup look, yes? I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s my signature makeup because it’s the only makeup that I can do. And even now, after years and decades and eons of doing it every day, Claude still has to touch it up in every photo because I have the makeup skills of a kindergartener with Crayolas.
Oops, got a little sidetracked again. So it’s not exactly my makeup that changed dramatically, but my beauty regime. I went through an immense transformation (for the better) and now I use 3 moisturizers a day,a pore serum, a face oil, and lots of in-between potions and concoctions (without virgin’s blood). Remember that this is coming from someone that used to fall asleep with makeup on, the capital Sin, with a capital “S”. Yeah, when you’re 32 going on 33, you start thinking about stuff like this. The thing that scared me was that my face seemed to have gotten a memo that read: “CHANGE RACE FROM HUMAN TO REPTILIAN”.
And what I learned that is the most important step to keep those scales at bay is cleaning your visage. Here things are pretty easy for me because I’ve simply been using the facial cleansing brush FOREO Luna for the last year, and I am still a user . I’ll leave a link somewhere below so you can buy it if you want to.
FOREO’s manifesto is to inspire women to smile and feel confident even when they don’t wear make-up and I think that in today’s world, when we have so much of everything, we should focus and be loyal to brands which succeed in deliver very efficient products with an important empowerment aspect. At least this is what I’m moved by and to those brands I chose to give my loyalty as a customer and a user.
And they are right, you know. True beauty will never be about makeup. But then the 80’s and 90’s hit us like a wrecking ball, followed by the rise of popularity of social media, being in the same make-up for years or a different one every day. True beauty is always about what’s inside your soul. And yes, several years ago this seem so idealistic and cliché for me also. But thank god for growing older and wiser.
Ahh and not to forget, you can now get the amazing LUNA mini 2 with a great deal on this link
What a cool painting. Is that you?
Nope 🙂 But there s a similarity indeed, we both have the same hairdo and we are both fluffy 🙂
De la ce brand e aparatelul asta roz? Unde se gaseste?
M-ai convins sa mi-l fac cadou de Craciun. :***
De la FOREO. Il gasesti pe link ul de la sfarsitul articolului 🙂
Vaaaai…. ai lumanari de la Villa Medicis…
Le adooooor. Esti o contesa adevarata, clar!
Imi place la nebunie de tine. Esti minunata, iar filmul cu aspiatorul mi-a facut ziua. :))))
si eu am cartea aia cu femeile colectionare. am cautat-o mult pana am gasit-o, insa e o sursa de inspiratie, exact ca si tine. si tu tre sa fii in ea. sunt sigura ca colectionezi tot felul de nimicuri si de lucrusoare pretioase. 🙂
Am crezut ca e publicitate degeaba, pana cand mi l-am cumparat. E super util, super usor de folosit si un super gadget. Isi face treaba excelent.
Conteso, unde ati filmat minunatia?
Arata foarte cosy spatiul ala. E casa ta?
E Kaleidoscop.Book.A.Rest. – find it on Insta <3
Ce bine arati fara machiaj… sa nu te injectezi cu botoxuri. Esti de vis! 🙂
Yeeeyy! si eu folosesc device-ul asta de cateva luni, dupa ce te-am vazut pe tine si mi se pare senzational. Abia astept sa mi-l cumpar si pe asta mic. <3
Morodon,esti tare misto! Si chiar nu dezamagesti niciodata. E prima reclama pe care o vad,din zona asta, “blogarite din Romania” care chiar e veridica. Iti pui pe fata si ceva ,nu doar ti-l plimbi pe fata. Am Foreo de ceva timp ,mi l-am luat intr-un set cadou “Ready to glow” ,e mai economic asa ,iar eu sunt o zgarcita,deci a fost perfect pentru mine. Pentru pielea sensibila e mai bun decat Clarisonic ,dar pentru cele care vor sa-si rupa piele de pe fata de atata exfoliere ( been there) nu e ce trebuie.