Snowflake girl

Living Art
24 January 2011 / By / 12 Comments

How where these snowy days for you?
Cause mine where like this.

If we leave out the fact that I’m in another city with only some flu flu blazer in my luggage, covered in mud, freezing my heart out.

Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. modniza says:

    superbe imi place iarna,dar a nins frumos.te pup.succes in Bucuresti!

  2. Shopperita says:

    Ce poze frumoase! <3
    Ai grija sa nu racesti si mai rau!

  3. Love your snowy pictures! Very pretty.
    It’s not snowed here for a while.


  4. Sunbeam says:

    cant tell you how much i love your blog, its like you go out on this street and make the world look wonderfull, your style is amazing (=

    Following you xoxo

  5. Ruxandra says:

    Oh, ai grija de tine :)Si in care oras anume?
    P.S. fotografiile sunt superbe!
    p.p.s. am primit cerceii, dar simt nevoia sa iti mai multumesc o data pentru giveaway 🙂

  6. Zazuza says:

    I had to go to the dentist through the snow storm :))

  7. colorsdiary says:

    i hate cold and i want sun! :p so my days are just dreamy about sun 🙂

  8. FashionHeart says:

    You have such a lovely blog! I love it really! I will definitively recommend you, as you have such a laissez-faire style…Amazing! I follow you:)

  9. Stephanie says:

    you know I really really hate,hate,hate snow.. BUT these pictures.. well they’re beautiful.. now I have to admit that snow is.. nice ;D
    Live.Laugh.Love. – everyday.

  10. Esti superba! Imi plac toate pozele tale esti exact asa cum vad eu moda si cum imi imaginez o femeie moderna,eleganta,putin indrazneata dar cu mult bun gust. Blogul tau e superb nu credeam ca exista si la noi persoane asa delicate si in acelasi timp extraordinar de frumoase. Mult succes in tot ceea ce faci.

  11. classiq says:

    such beautiful pics! winter has no charm without snow.

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