I guess by now you all know that I’m a McDonald’s fan. Here are some daily notes from my virtual journal on the matter.
However, it was only a few days ago when McDonald’s declared its love for me too, so finally we are in a Mutual and loving relationship.
To celebrate our bond (am I turning into a psycho stalker here?) I was invited to co-host the launching event of Somon Fumé Salad special recipe, created by the charismatic chef Nicolai Tand part of McDonald’s a la Chef Salad Series.
As you can see, I was invited as the apprentice in the live salad making process, but that was a task in which, as you could predict, I failed imperially. Aaaa, you wish. I succeeded!!!! Of course I’m not going to make the same salad at home. Why would I do that? When I can find it fresh and ready-to-eat at McDonald’s.
It was also quite interesting to hear the story behind this meal. How did the chef choose the ingredients, why did he think they work well together and how were all those ingredients mixed (yes, apparently there are several special ways. You don`t just throw them all together and shake, as you know, I thought).
Photos by Mihnea Ratte
The new Somon Fumé Salad – which, by the way, you can taste in all McDonald’s restaurants around the country until the 30th of September – has, well, fresh salmon fume in it (duh), salad mix, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, fennel, dill, croutons, lemon, raw red onion rings and an absolutely delicious dressing made with fresh yogurt and olive oil. Quite the perfect solution for a fresh and tasty summer lunch, huh?
I hope you’ll give me some of that Somon Fumé you despotic idiot!
Salata suna bine, in schimb daca intru in Mc nu stiu daca ma pot abtine tentatiei 😀
Rochia pe care o porti aici e splendida
In a Relationship with McDonalds ✔️✔️✔️
In sfarsit, o salata care arata chiar delicios la Mc
iti ador rochita :X:X:X:X
De unde sunt cerceii? Iti multumesc anticipat!
de la Tria Alfa 🙂
Une vraie beauté dans cette robe magnifique!