Morodan Shop dress – available at our showroom or at
Ever heard me swooning over a new trend each an every season?
I don’t think so. It’s not that I don’t like fashion, don’t get me wrong, I love it just as much as the next fashionista. Howeveeeer, there’s a very, very, very extremely fine line between being a trend aficionado and becoming a transparent and unidentifiable trend follower.
People can say a lot of things about me, however there’s one thing no one can deny: that I have a strong personal brand. There are some key items and aspects I’ve perfected and stressed so much over the years that everybody today sees as very Morodanesque, if I may. And that’s freaking cool, if you ask me. Someone looks at a dress, a haircut, a brooch and they instantly think about me #VanityTickled
Then there’s the exact opposite: women who are enslaved to the trends. They always have to have everything that’s new, the moment’s hot purses, shoes, accessories et all. As the years pass, what do people recognise them by? I still don’t know, as there’s nothing truly memorable about them.
So, which one would you rather be?
I say screw trends, I want to be an icon forever
Trendurile ca trendurile, dar rochia ??
You are SO right about this!!
“I say screw trends, I want to be an icon forever” ??????????
I love you ❤️?? degeaba esti la moda daca de fapt esti doar un umeras.
And you will be 😀
Sunt total de acord! Trendurile sunt mereu efemere, stilul adevarat nu are nicio treaba cu trendurile sau si mai bine, cu brandurile
Asa e, chiar zilele trecute am vazut o rochie si m-am gandit instant la tine 🙂
Love your blog! 🙂
I absolutely love your unique sense of style! Style wins over trend any day x