LooksLiving Art
29 October 2013 / By / 6 Comments





Boy, oh boy, lots of great things have happened in my professional life this year. From the 5 MINUTE Style Classes with Ovidiu Buta to the big, national Intel campaign, my Cathias Edeline and Wagner collaborations to being declared one of the bloggers of the moment by Victoria 46 or hosting parties with Malvina for The Gang or my own party at Gaia Boutique Club! Tons of speaking conferences and campaigns on a side, projects done and some new ones to build. And that was only until this Fall when things started to roll massively again.

One of this Fall’s campaigns is the one I did for this edition for V for Vintage. I am the star of their cover poster that will be printed and spread all over the city. So I will be tall again, like the time I advertised my collection for Cathias Edeline on the Cocor building.


The poster and the pictorial – which you will see soon –  is a remake after “Roman Holiday”.

.Shot by Virgil Hritcu, with make-up by Anca Buzea and hair by Robert Both, the whole pictorial turned out super pretty and so imagine that I can’t wait to share it with you.

My outfit is Andra Andreescu and Alex and Andrei  from Elan Models played their role perfectly. We froze and had fun!


Stay tuned for the whole pictorial.




Do as Ana does and you'll be as confident as she is


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  1. Julie Red says:

    this is a great poster! love it!

  2. Mariuca Stanescu says:

    foarte rumosasa tinuta porti, roz si rosu, plus pantofii si colierul, merg de minune impreuna 🙂 mai ales cu veselia voastra! frumoasa invitatie!

  3. Cris says:

    sunt un vizitator fidel V for Vintage si al blogului tau, asa ca e super faptul ca esti pe poster! Geniala ideea!

  4. High Heels says:

    love your hair dear, need to get myself a haircut like that!

  5. Georgette says:

    stupendous poster! Muah!

  6. A Modern Girl says:

    I am totally tuned! can’t wait 🙂

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