Blouse Alina Botea, skirt Sandra Galan – shop them on Molecule F
If don’t know about you but I’m pretty excited about this!
What do you mean “what’s this?”
It’s my collaboration with Molecule F!
For those of you who live under a rock, Molecule F is the cool-est online shop who sells exclusively Romanian designers! Yep, the most awesome of them!
And so that you can find out that I can speak Romanian too, click to read more on Molecule F‘s blog, where starting from today I’m a contributor, along with Noemi and Corina.
Every Monday, starting with today, you can find there the outfits that inspired me and made me feel awesome in a certain situation.
Today, I learned that short length skirts can be sensual without being loud and vulgar! Sandra Galan taught me that! And Alina Botea always makes us dream! About what? I’m never gonna share my dreams so easily people, they will loose their power. But if you wait till next Monday you’ll find out!
Au revoir, kittens!
To see more pictures click on Molecule’s blog
Also, you can read my snobbish (?!?) point of view on a relationship’s starting point on my Modern Style Stories column on
Wicked skirt girl!!
~Natasha Fatah~
~Natasha Fatah~
I am so in love with this skirt. It’s both romantic and flirty. Love how you toned it down with a print shirt.
with love from Mademoiselle Meese
You are amazing!
I think it is a great collaboration!
Felicitariiii, esti o mega-diva xx De abia astept sa citesc :*
te inteleg si eu am aceeasi problema cu fustele scurte, dar fusta este minunata! imi plac foarte mult bucatile alea suprapuse, atrag atentia de la lungimea fustei. Oricum nu este scurta de o palma, cum am vazut ca e in “trend” :)) si in plus iti sta superb!
Interesanta tinuta ta
Ce tare!!!
Te felicit cu mult drag…chiar sunt foarte inspiring!
Foarte frumoasa tinuta. Frumoasa si eleganta.
You look different! Gorgeous-different! What’s with the make-up?