I swear to God, I’ve been born an old woman. Every piece of yellow brick in the road leads to Oz. (that’s a really smart euphemism that means “everything leads to the conclusion I’ve stated before” because I’ve been reading more and polishing my wording. I’m planning to work on my “sticking to the point” talents as well and get less and less derailed. – so no more parentheses like this.)
So, every piece of yellow brick in the road leads to Oz.: I am very much attracted to old habits, I completely dislike clubs, I chain-smoke like a Louisiana midwife, I own a cat (or the other way around?), J’ADOREEEEEEE EVERYTHING BABETTE, porcelains, crystals, vases, candy holders and I get more excited in front of an eccentric old lady than in front of a VIP. Plus, I am super wise.
So it is only natural that I am drawn to every outfit that memes an eccentric old lady. I know, many young women dress to look sexy or desirable and that’s very ok. But its not my thing. My self-esteem gets high when I look like this. I know it may not be very attractive for maybe anyone other than me but that should be enough, right?
Lo Spaccio trench – Hunter boots
Photos with Huawei UltiMate at Hadar Chalet
Claude said I look like Queen Elisabeth at Balmoral and on that morning stroll I really felt like that. Because visualization is easy at Hadar Chalet and its surroundings.
And if I am lucky and some of you might feel babbette-ish also, here are my
3 things you must do to preserve your inner babette
- Always be a freak control! Especially when it comes to home chores like picking the dust lints from the carpet or making sure that all the vases are aligned on the shelves.
- Make sure your style has nothing to do with trends. Your style icons should be the old ladies from the Obor market and 60s Hollywood.
- There’s no 5 o’clock tea served without lavander or violaceus syrup & cookies
Claude took these pictures of me with the new Huawei UltiMate which if you ask me is tha’ bomb! Not because I’ve been a Huawei user for years but because of this!
Babette Morodanette <3 I love you!
Cat de bine te prinde nuanta asta de mov! Imi place la nebunie pardesiul. Il gasim si online?
da 🙂 e crieditat cu link activ magazinul online 🙂 daca nu l gasesti scrie le si se rezolva 🙂
Ai putea fi mai degraba Queen Victoria. Ea avea mai multe capricii :))
superbe pozele!!!
Esti de poveste, draga mea! Oricine si-ar dori o bunica asa ca tine 😉 ma rog, nu stiu ce sa zic de Claude… :))
I love you, Countess! You’re so inspiring! #TheQueenOfCool
As bea si eu un ceai cu tine. La cinci, la cinci jumate … cand vrei tu … si mai pe seara daca e…
Hadar e unul din locurile mele preferate. L-am descoperit la tine si ma bucur enorm ca exista asa o oaza minunata la noi in tara. Ospitalitatea fetelor, mancarea si decorul sunt la superlativ. Iti multumesc ca ne arati locuri atat de frumoase!
Ti se potriveste manusa stilul asta. De fapt tie ti se potriveste orice, Ana. Pozele astea sunt preferatele mele, pentru ca sunt foarte naturale si deloc fortate cum se poarta acum.
Wow! Amazing place! x