Internet’s Inspiring Insights

LooksLiving Art
26 November 2017 / By / 10 Comments

Styland suit – Fandacsia hat – Prada heels 


Ola meine beautiful friends, in the spirit of the Internet’s constant wiseness or crap, here’s what I liked reading these days



Some thoughts on People like me


  1. Why Empaths Act Strange around Inauthentic People
  2. 10 Reasons Why You Should Never Mess With An Empath! Ever


  • Yoga is Life people. No, really, stop raising your eyebrow. Ok, raise it. I was so you just a few months ago. But you should really give it a try, it might prove to be your perfect daily escape and balance. 



Click, Click, Click for More Adventures

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  1. susan_mary says:

    You are the stylish version of The Mask. Love U

  2. Greta Cazimir says:

    Articolul doamnei Stanciulescu este un deliciu. Imi place mult cum scrie. O citesc cu drag de fiecare data. Ma bucur ca ne impartasesti din bucuriile tale. Multumim!

  3. Chris K says:

    Your suit is f*****g amazing. I saw it also on Demi Lovato and it looks superb.

  4. Gianluca Ciro says:

    Meravigliosa Creatura

  5. Mikaela M. says:

    Palariuta e de vis. Cat costa? O putem achizitiona de la dumneavoastra de pe site?

  6. Tincutza says:

    Costumul asta iti vine turnat… o adevarata busines lady!!! Bravo!!!!

  7. Mihaela Alexa says:

    Eu inca n-am inteles foarte bine treaba asta cu influencerii. Tot citesc, dar mi se pare ca lucrurile se schimba frecvent. Cred ca o sa ma inscriu la GIN in februarie. 🙂

  8. Cornelia B. says:

    Morodan, ce-i al tau e al tau, dom’le! :)))

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